Amit Vaidya

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since Jul 11, 2001
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Recent posts by Amit Vaidya

Is it possible to make a WAR (Web Archive) file containing only HTML and JSP files? If yes, then is it necessary to have web.xml file inside the jar? what should web.xml file in suxh a case contain?
Thanks & regards,
23 years ago
Does WebLogic 6.0 provide default implementation of LDAP server?
in other words, does it have its own Directory server?
Please forward the reply to my ID.
23 years ago
I need to restrict access to on Servlet/JSP level.
How can this be done?
23 years ago
I'm trying to deploy a CMP bean which uses a DB pool. Satabase is DB2 on OS/390. I'm using '' JDBC driver. When I start the Weblogic server (after copying the bean jar file into application directory), it gives me following error:
weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSException: Unexpected failure while accessing table 'ejbAccounts': java.sql.SQLException: Connection Pool demoPool does not exist. java.sql.SQLException: Connection Pool demoPool does not exist. at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve( weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserveWaitSecs (
In short its not creating the connection POOL. Can you please tel me what all settings do I need to make for creating the connection pool? What should be the URL, properties ??
23 years ago
I'm trying to deploy a CMP bean which uses a DB pool. Satabase is DB2 on OS/390. I'm using '' JDBC driver. When I start the Weblogic server (agter copying the bean jar file into application directory), it gives me following error:
weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSException: Unexpected failure while accessing table 'ejbAccounts': java.sql.SQLException: Connection Pool demoPool does not exist.
java.sql.SQLException: Connection Pool demoPool does not exist.
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve ( weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserveWaitSecs
In short its not creating the connection POOL.
Can you please tel me what all settings do I need to make for creating the connection pool?
What should be the URL, properties ??
23 years ago