Saurabh Chandra

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since Feb 28, 2008
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Dear Lynn,
Did you get any solution for that??

Originally posted by Lynn Paustian:
I have a JSF page with a records list. One of the columns is telephone. I want to mask it with hyphens at the usual breaks. Some of the phone numbers are 7 characters and others are ten. I'm using RAD to create my faces pages. RAD will format for 7 or 10 but not both. Is there a way to get the length of the telephone for the column in each row and in turn use the appropriate mask?

I've hunted IBM's site without any luck. I've got to believe there is a nice cheat sheet for reformating record list and records. If you know of a source I'd like to get it.

Thanks in advance.

16 years ago
Stating below is the problem which I am facing while implementing tree.

I am able to display the data which is passed as collection( for example an array list[one dimensional array] the data gets arranged up vertically in a single line ) but the graphical symbols or representation of tree is not appearing like the "+" and " -" symbol as well as the vertical lines that comes in the left-side of elements of tree is also not appearing .

However when i am passing an array of objects in that array(i.e., 2d array) to represent parent child relationship. the code is not working.

I am hereby sending you the code with which i have tried the code.

<tr:tree var="foo" value="#{tree.newList}">
<f:facet name="nodeStamp">
<tr:outputText value="#{foo.newName}" >

newList ----->this is the name of the array list ( data can be seen if new list is a 1 dimensional array list of object but when we are passing a 2 dimensional array list ie an array list which holds an array of object to represent parent child relationship) the code doesnt WORKS!!!

newName--------> this is one of the property of the object stored in that array.

nodeStamp-----------> it is the facet name to stamp each element.
16 years ago