Frank Stein

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since Feb 29, 2008
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I believe that in the case of BMT, only BMT can invoke UserTransaction methods in the user code. EJBContext methods setRollbackOnly() and getRollbackOnly() only apply to CMT. UserTransaction methods include commit(), rollback(), getStatus(), and setRollbackOnly().

Originally posted by Narendra Dhande:

The setRollbakOnly() is applicable to the CMT only. You can not use it with User transaction. To rollback the user transaction yo have to explicitly use the rollback() instead of commit().


[ March 11, 2008: Message edited by: Frank Stein ]
Dear Bert, I appreciate your frankness on telling us the slim chance about a HFEJB 3 book being created. I will go along with the O'Reilly's Enterprise Javabeans 3.0 and not wait for HF to make the book. I must say, I was very hoping that when I learn EJB it would be the solution to all business application programming. After reading Bert's comments however, he must have seen the other side of EJB then lost his passion for it somewhere. I read that you do have an interest in J2ME now. However, I would like to know what enterprise level computing technology you would suggest as the best. What type of forecast do you see for EJB's future?

16 years ago