Charlie Flynn

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since Jul 11, 2001
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Recent posts by Charlie Flynn

I would be very grateful if anyone could provide me with code to open a socket from an applet to an application running on the client machine, with the client's consent, that can to accept a continuous stream of integers. If it is not possible to create an applet with this functionality I would appreciate the code demonstrating this action in an application.
Many Thanks,
23 years ago
I am currently trying to set permissions for applets hosted on my server to read from a log file on my machine. Both the applet and the text file share the same directory. The applet can read the file when I call it in the appletviewer but not in the html file. I have been trying to understand the lengthy documentation on policy tool from the Sun site. However, I still cannot get my applets to recognise that I have created a policy file allowing them read access to the text file. I saved the policy file in C:\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib\java.policy and another version in C:\
Can anyone advise me as to where I am going wrong with this and how to correct the problem?
Many Thanks,
23 years ago
Many thanks to Tim Holloway for addressing my earlier query.
At the moment I am wondering how to get an applet to resize itself on the basis of validation of an if else condition.
For example, if(x==100){
applet resize(larger)
applet stays the same size}
Can something like this occur dynamically on a web-page?
Any suggestions as to how I may go about doing this are much appreciated.
Many Thanks,
23 years ago
Hi, can anyone describe how I go about implementing a policy that I have designed for my applet? Using the policy tool I have granted the applet permission to read a specific text file, though it seems not to understand that it should now enjoy this privilege. How do I tell it that it is allowed to read this file? How do I direct the policy to the applet?
Any suggestions are warmly welcomed.
23 years ago
Is it possible to get an applet to read a text file on a client machine?

A background process on the client's desktop is generating numbers and writing these to a text file. I want an applet to display different colours based on these numbers. This text file will be updated on a per second basis and the applet must respond in real time to these updates. For purposes of demonstration, I am the user. Do I need to grant the applet any extra privileges to read from the text file and how do I do this as the applet programmer?
o If it is not possible to read from a text file, is there any other way I can send the applet these numbers, for example as parameters to some function?

Alternative 1:
I want to have access to mouse co-ordinates both within and outside of the applet. I have been using the mouseDragged method. Once a drag is performed inside the applet the applet can continue to read co-ordinates of the motion outside the canvas frame provided the mouse button remains depressed. I want to be able to do this without enforcing drag. Is it possible to write a method that
Mouse motion within the browser affects a small coloured window that is a second applet. The applet receiving the co-ordinates from the mouse motion will appear as a second window within the browser changing colour based on these co-ordinates. My aim is to have the applet registering motions should have as little graphic impact on the html page as possible, in other words, the users should be unaware of its presence.
Alternative 2:
Is it possible to create a transparent applet that can sit over the html page so that all mouse movements are contained within the applet canvas - but the applet has no graphic impact on the page?
Alternative 3:
If it is not possible to read from the file on a client machine, can I get the client to send a text file to the server and get the server to process the numbers and sent them back to the client for display in an applet on the client machine?
For the same coloured screen I need to write a second similar program that changes colour based on network traffic or cpu load instead of mouse motion. What java API would I need to use for this? Or what is the best way to begin to approach this? P.S. I am using windows 98 for my clients and server.
Many Thanks,
Charlie Flynn.
23 years ago
I am trying to pass details on a mouse enter event within an applet back to the server. I have a piece of code that sends a simple string "Hello" that is received and acknowledged by the server. I do not know how I can adapt this code to handle information on a mouse event. I would greatly appreciate any advice on this matter.
Many Thanks.
Charlie Flynn
23 years ago
Hi - I am using x,y co-ordinates of the mouse motion to effect graphic changes in a second applet outside of the frame of the first applet. I can do this using the MouseDrag method - however, I want to have continued access to these values outside the frame of the first applet without imposing MouseDrag restrictions on the user. Do you know if it is possible to create a fake MOUSE_DOWN action and combine this with MOUSEMOVE method effectively creating an impression of MouseDrag?
Many thanks,
23 years ago
I am currently trying to find a way to get an applet to share details of the x,y co-ordinates of the mouse motion within this applet with another applet on a different html page. I would greatly appreciate any advice you may be able to offer as to how I may go about doing this.
Many Thanks,

23 years ago