John Wenn

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since Mar 03, 2008
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Recent posts by John Wenn

Hey I got the same email and I'm happy too .. I think they just send the same mail to every candidate.. What do you think?

No I don't think so, their requirement is not a detailed design.Try to make it simple as you can but remember to focus on solving the business problem.

srikanth kakumanu wrote:

John Wenn wrote:I'm working on it...

Hi John,

Can you check your Private messages once please?

What are the technologies you are using for this assign? I am thinking to use the JSP, JSF, EJB 3, JPA. What do you say?

There is lot of confusion about the domain model relationships. Isn;t it?

Those technologies are okey.. you can use those.. read it carefully and identify what are the potential requirements, "strong visual feedback" to the client.. + scalability is not prioritize. and read this book (specially chapter 9) Prentice Hall Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide
Congratulations.....! can you please elaborate your points..

point 1, 3, 4

I bought the SCEA 5.0 II assignment sometime back ago (not more than 2 months).So what I need to know is that will Oracle dismissed the assignment submission because I'm not going to submit it any sooner.So basically will the hooked up with those exam conditions or not.

I read the FAQs

But it didn't contain any clue regarding this issue.

Nps Ferreira wrote:
Hi all,

I´m doing the assignment of the SCEA certification and i have a doubt:

How to use dependency injection in a session bean (EJB3) calling another session bean, how to represent this action in a Sequence diagram?


Nuno Ferreira

Actually there are two ways of calling another bean form a bean one way is through JNDI
and other way is using dependency injection You can do it by specifying.

dependency injection way

JNDI way (Assume you have a bean called TestBean)

The point that you have to remember when calling a bean using JNDI is, when you looking up and bean you dont
need to specify an JNDI initialization parameter, you can use the default initial context.

Giovanni Ascarza wrote:So we will need upgrade to JEE6 if we want to take this new exams?

I think there will be separate set of upgrade exams JEE6, apart form these new exams. And I think that will be a fare decisions.

Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:Many thanks for the information.

Interesting. They separate JPA as a new certification, it's probably based on JPA 2.0 and the JSF certification is finally added.
Actually I hoped they to revise SCEA or introduce a more advanced level of SCEA, but it might not happen anytime soon .

So what's your opinion about upgrade exams for JEE6, how will they parallel those exams with the newly introduced exams as you mentioned JSF,JPA 2.0

Duran Harris wrote:Wicked!!

JSF certification!!Only thing is it'll be a while before study guides are published isn't it??

Or are there sneaky authors in cahoots with the Sun team?

I have no idea, and they still haven't mentioned about the update exams.
Hi guys I have noticed the SUN site has posted a new Java EE 6 learning path and certification + some courses.

Here's the link -:

Share your thoughts

rahul lahiri wrote:Hi,
I am new to Ejb.I was reading somewhere that every ejb must have a remote and a local interface and only those methods which are exposed in the remote interface can be accessed.Now,if a programmer wants to access the ejb from a different machine,he/she must have a copy of the remote interface(at least thats what seems to me).Is it correct?

EJB enables development and deployment of distributed components. A distributed
component, also commonly referred to as distributed object or remote
object, is callable from a remote system. That is, not only can it be called from
an in-process client but also from an out-of-process client that might be located
on a different system on the network.
A remote invocation of a method on a distributed object follows a common
process that is similar across almost all distributed computing technologies.
The main steps of this remote method invocation process are:

1. The client calls a stub, which is a client-side proxy object. This stub is
responsible for masking network communications from the client. The
stub knows how to call over the network using sockets and also how to
massage parameters from their Java representations to the corresponding
network representations.

2. The stub calls over the network to a skeleton, which is a server-side
proxy object. The skeleton masks network communication from the distributed
object. The skeleton understands how to receive calls on a
socket as well as how to massage parameters from their network representations
to their Java representations.

3. The skeleton delegates the call to the appropriate implementation
object. This object serves the call and does its work, and returns control
to the skeleton, which returns it to the stub, which finally returns control
to the client.

A key point here is that both the stub and the server-side implementation
object implement the same interface (called the remote interface). This means
the stub clones the distributed object’s method signatures. Aclient who calls a
method on the stub thinks he is calling the distributed object directly; in reality,
the client is calling an empty stub that knows how to go over the network. This
is called distribution transparency. In fact, the distributed object is an abstraction
that is created by the cooperation between the stub, skeleton, and implementation
objects. No single entity in this scenario is the distributed object.
You can develop and deploy distributed objects using many other technologies,
including CORBA (OMG), Distributed Component Object Model or
DCOM (; Microsoft), and Java RMI-IIOP (Sun).

(Quote from Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, Sriganesh, Brose and Silverman, Wiley Publishing Inc., 2006)
Need more information.

What is your EJB version (2.1 or 3.0) ?
Have you set-up the proper JNDI configurations?
Did you find any exception in your server log?

ajse ruku wrote:Hi,

I am having problem in migrating ejbs(2.0) from weblogic(8.1) to websphere(6.1). I am using ejbDoclet . When i am deploying my EAR then websphere is asking for JNDI names for some beans. I have mentioned local-jndi-name="cs.MyBeanHome" in my bean class. Still i am not sure why its asking for JNDI name. Please suggest.


Have you tried specifying the JNDI name in the xml descriptor (ejb-jar.xml).

And check you JNDI tree in your server app look the if there's a JNDI name associated with the specific bean that you have mentioned.
No RMI/IIOP protocols are only works with @Remote, the configuration lies within the container. Also this tend to reduce the network overhead.