Marut pandey

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Page No 179.

It says both will print false with some weird explanation. However first statement prints true and other one is false because there is extra space in concat statement initialised line. This mistake does not seems printing issue.

I got my SCJP cert in 1.4 in year 2007 and now i want to upgrade it OCP  JAVA SE 8. I see there is certification path to do that as per the Oracle site.

However I am not sure if I buy Boucher for OCP Java 8 how Oracle with link my details that I already had certification in 1.4 in year 2007.

Hi Guys,

If an assignment does not require Messaging system and does not say anything about transaction management either. Should I consider web-centric approach? I am also not experienced on EJB based application.

Whereas I do see requirement of security and roles which i think can be achieved by web-centric approach too. Is that sufficient reason not to choose EBJ-centirc approach.

Hi Ranchers !!!

Is anybody working on this assignment. I have problem understanding the Use cases given in assignment. I do not know where to get the confusion cleared.


HI Eric,

Now the process of submitting assignment has been changed. You must email the assignment JAR file as an attachment to the email address [email protected].

Please go to this web site for more details.

There questions are taken from SCEA Study Guide

1) You are the architect for a social networking application that
allows users to leave comments for other users. Recently, a spate
of hacker attacks have disrupted the site, reducing revenue from
site partners and advertising. Of the attack types listed next,
which two can be addressed by ensuring that all special characters/
word sequences are removed from all free text inputs on the
web site?

A. Buffer overflow
B. Cross-site scripting
C. SQL injection
D. Permission errors

As per my understanding the correct answers would be "B" & "C" whereas SCEA book says C and D


Security restrictions in a use-case require that the behavior of an
EJB business method vary according to the role of the user. How
should this be achieved? (Select the best answer.)
A. The deployment descriptor is written using the roles determined
by the programmer.
B. The programmer determines a role reference and uses it in
the code. This is mapped to a role in the deployment
C. The business method determines the role of the user using
JNDI and configuration information in the deployment
D. The business method determines the role of the user using
JAAS and configuration information in the deployment

Correct Answer is 'D' as per Book but why not 'B' is correct because I think it can be done using getCallerPrincipal() and isCallerInRole()

What do you guys think?

Read this clears all. I got confused too when read that book, I had to ignore their concept.
As per my understanding Tiers are physical separation of system and layers is logical like

We do call Business layer and DAO layer because they are separated on the basis of logic. On the other hand when you talk about tier it will be referred as physical entity like

Presentation Tier>>Logic Tier>>Database Tier
If you have DataSource setup, you can Use Server's JNDI service to access DataSource object which gives you flexibility in connecting with different database without changing anything in application or in WAR.

Suppose you have three kind of Environment (Dev,QA, Prod) each of them should connect to separate databases. If you have used DataSource setup along with JNDI name. You just need to call JNDL name in you application and server at each environment with connect with appropriate database. Assuming each server has their own DataSource configured.
OOPS !!! I missed one important point from the question "The start-up provides a front-end
accessible by multiple devices, from smart phones to desktops," that can be easily achieved by JSF........ so correct answer would be B. I agree with you guys.
I feel like Option A is correct as Question says messaging can be resent so it means it does not need be durable. It also does not say messaging should be asynchronous, so there is no good reason to use EJB and JMS.
Congratulations Ashu !!!
Can you please share your experience little bit.

Suppose you have a team of expert web designers but you got the requirement to develop JEE application. which of three would you teach them? (3 options)

1) Servlet classes

2) JSP with standard tag

3) JSF components

4) JSP with JSTL

5) JSP with EL