John H Lee

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since Mar 11, 2008
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Recent posts by John H Lee

I have the following code for a JPanel where I want to make a menu bar with a delete option. This action will delete a selected row off a JList. I've built this using the Java Swing tutorials on Oracle's site and using their TransferHandler class, which does CUT, COPY and PASTE.

My current problem is that I must type "SHIFT - DELETE" for the CUT action to execute but I want it to run when pressing "DELETE" by its self. I believe this is dependent on the ACtionEvent. This application will be running on Windows.

Any thoughts please?


10 years ago
nvm - found solution using MS Outlook!

Admin - please delete this thread.
14 years ago
I have voucher for SCJP5 or SCJP6 that expires on March 12th, 2009. I have been trying to get this exam done but due to work, I have not been able to get to it. Please email me if you are interested. I live in the US and am not sure where else this voucher can be used.

15 years ago
I'm also planning to take the JAVA5 exam and curious to know if its worth studying for the JAVA6. I noticed you not only have to score higher on the JAVA6 exam but the questions seem to harder. It also covers the new material so thats kind of additional reading as well.

For those who have taken the exams or experienced with them, what are your thoughts? How much better is Java6 than Java5?
Are you saying the books are not yet available?

I too am looking for SCJP 6 Certification Prep Books.
