Hi all, I am working on xml parsing. My problem is to set the value of one attribute of child from the attribute value of parent. How to do this? Please help me in this concern. Thanks in advance.
Hi all, I am working on xml parsing. My problem is to set the value of one attribute of child from the attribute value of parent. How to do this? Please help me in this concern. Thanks in advance.
Hi all, I am working on xml parsing. My problem is to set the value of one attribute of child from the attribute value of parent. How to do this? Please help me in this concern. Thanks in advance.
Hi Friends, I want a program to get the time of server as well as client. By only java servlet. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi i am trying to download binary file by a jsp file but it is showing the content (not all) on the browser. I want to save that file automatically to the client machine in a specified location. Please help.
hi all, I have failed 2 times in the exam version 5.0. But I want to complete my certification with a good score. Can anybody suggest me how to prepare for the exams. I have HeadFirst and SCJP 5.0 by Sierra and Bates.