K Aditi

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since Mar 17, 2008
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Recent posts by K Aditi

You can store the digital cerificate as a simple text file with an extension .cer.I hope this answers your question.
16 years ago
Practically speaking, I do not think not using interfaces would hamper dependency injection in spring. I feel it is more of a design issue.

encrypting a string(password) with md5.js(say) and submitting the form can prevent packet sniffing and related technologies crack or view my password?

MD5 is a hashing algorithm.It is not meant for encryption.It is a one way function.
16 years ago
Ok. Will try to implement the code using SAX parser.
Can any one please tell me how to read closing tag using dom4j?
e.g. </batch>
I tried to read it using element.getQualifiedName(), but dom4j skips everything after slash(/).

XStream looks promising! Will look into JSON too.
16 years ago
I would like to synchronize my relational database with LDAP directory.
I know LDAP doesn't support triggers, but how do I know that a change has occured in LDAP directory and hence automatically change/insert values in the relational database?
16 years ago
How do I send a POJO to a .net program? Will serialization work in such cases?

16 years ago
They have added it in their TO DO list for release 1.3
I am using Spring LDAP (Version 1.2.1) and want to fetch multi-valued attributes.So according to the reference I am trying to use getObjectAttributes() of DirContextAdapter, but I could not find the method in the library!
The line which says that is page 11 of Spring LDAP (Version 1.2.1) reference PDF.Meanwhile Spring Referencehere is the link for HTML version.
How does Active Directory or LDAP in general store .pfx format certificate? I can only find userCertificate attribute in the Active Directory for CN=user. Just a question from point of view of security, is it advisable to store private key related to the certificate in LDAP? If yes, how does a certificate mapped to a particular private key, as userCertificate is a multivalued attribute?

16 years ago
I am using Spring-LDAP to read certificates from Active Directory.
I want to read certificates from userCertificate attribute from the AD when the DN of the user is given. I am using getObjectAttribute(String attribute) function of ldapTemplate to fetch all the certificates. But userCertificate being a multi-valued attribute how should I extract it in a X509Certificate list?

Is this the correct forum for this question? Should I shift it to Application framework forum?
[ October 21, 2008: Message edited by: K Aditi ]
16 years ago
I don't know if this question fits under Other Java EE Technologies but here is my question,

For SOA architecture what is better synchronus messaging through JMS or a simple HTTP request/response scenario?

What are the advantages of choosing either of the two?
