samir singha

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since Mar 17, 2008
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Recent posts by samir singha

Check the webapps folder of your tomcat root directory whether Pro1 is deployed or not? if deployed check the correct file structure and web.xml file. Vista do not create problem with tomcat. it's your application / deployment having problem. what is hello? is it a servlet or a jsp? if jsp then you have to write hello.jsp in your url.
Check the webapps folder of your tomcat root directory whether Pro1 is deployed or not? if deployed check the correct file structure and web.xml file. Vista do not create problem with tomcat. it's your application / deployment having problem.
creating diffrent instances means you are creating diffrent objects. create a single object, set the value of the object and pass the object to the another servlet.
15 years ago
if your application is running on Tomcat. open a web.xml file from tomcat/webappsservlet-example/WEB-INF directory. copy the the upper portion of the xml file upto <web-app> tag in your web.xml file. your web.xml file seems missing something like <?xml-version="1.0 encoding="IS0-8859-1">. restart tomcat and check again. Hope this will help.
15 years ago
why don't you pass the bean object (fb in your case)created in your servlet to your java class through constructor or method parameter of your java class and get the value from bean object.
15 years ago
Any better idea on this topic???
15 years ago
You can use servlet to set a session attribute of a request say "login" to true or false by using the password check mehtod you created. Every inner jsp page should get the login attribute and check whether it is true or false. if the login attribute is false or null redirect the page to login page of your application.
15 years ago
So, if you want to learn java basics. you may check the site www.jav Hope that will help you to learn java basics with IDE. Javaranch do not permit us to share code, so example of GregorianCalender you can find from thest links and

Check this examples and modify it suite your application.
You can use java's GregorianCalendar and use set() method to set the date to any date of your choice, furhter you can add the year by using the add(gc.YEAR, 1) to change or offset the date of your choice. (note: gc is an instance of GregorianCalendar class)
You are right ritchie. Though I knew the differance, I have done the mistake unknowingly.
15 years ago
If you use String in your code you will find length() method with braces.
15 years ago
Not at all. You should make a separate Connection class for JDBC. Did your code in event handling method includes any output statement??
You can redirect to a page from a servlet by using RequestDispatcher if want to redirect within the servlet container use response.sendRedirect("url") method to redirect to another server. which html attribute you want to set??
15 years ago
I am sorry ulf. It seems I violeted the ethics of Javaranch forum. Next time I will be careful.
15 years ago