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Ganesan Ramakrishnan

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since Mar 18, 2008
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Recent posts by Ganesan Ramakrishnan


can anyone tell me, how the value entered in text field of jsp page goes to action class in struts?
i mean, behind the screen, how is happening?

Ganesan R
8 years ago

Can you please help me to achieve the below requirement,

I have 30 options to display in select box.
But i want to display 1 to 10 when clicks on the select box.assume first one selected by default.
Then remaining 11 to 30 will be accessible to user with scroll bar.

thanks in advance.


I am using WAS 6.1 to deploy my application.
Few things(ajax call and angular tags) not working when i accessing the application through the URL http://systemnumber:9080/test.
however, all working fine through url http://localhost:9080/test

Can anybody tell me what is an issue?

Any solution would be more appreciated!!

9 years ago

I would like to clarify about variable declaration and their getter, setter methods naming conversion in java bean.
In our application,we are declaring the variable like below,

getter and setter for the above varible

Is it right way of declaring variable?

10 years ago
Hi Ulf,

Very simple, some of the existing classes referring the class where i implements the clonable interface.
Existing class will have any issue due to implementing the clonable interface.

11 years ago

I have a class which are referred in many places and contain different data types of variables.
For my new requirement, i want to make the copy the that object.
for that reason i implements the clonable interface and make the clone of that object.
I do not have any compiler error.
however, i am thinking whether it will have any impact where this class file referred.

11 years ago
Hi all,

I had an following issue on some of web pages while accessing it, Protocol violationDSRA0010E: SQL State = null, Error Code = 17,401
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(

can anyone help on this issue?
11 years ago
Please assume i am having id in my text field tag.

still my problem is persist.

i want have below alert message when enter the 5, assume default valus is 10,

but am not getting tha above alert message
i have assigned default value as 10.
now i am changing value to 5.
then i clicks the button , it calls the function check().

5 < 10

then the if condition must be execute.
but it not so..

i suspecting the defaultValue return type.


I have an issue while check the following condition in java script,

less than < not wokring in js when compare the value and defaultValue?


I hava an issue in my javascript function which is called from body onload of the window.
actualy inside the javascirpt, i am diabling the button, which is in centre of the window.
after i am displaying some list of images.
my problem is , the button disabled only after load the all images in bottom of the screen
i want to disable the button before full screen loaded.

anybody help me to solve this issue?


Can anyone help me out for this following question,

i have the text field with some value in jsp page with form submit.
when click the submit button, java script is called and get the entered value or default value to
compare and initiate some calculation.
how do i get that value?
i tried the following,
alert("new value--::"; -> not giving expected result!!!, i mean old form value, i need this value?
document.getElementById('allure.allureId').value - giving updated value.

11 years ago

I am using IBM Rational Application Developer version 7.0.0.
I can find only Oracle9i data store helper and Oracle 10g data store helper.
But i want to configure with Oracle11g data store helper class.

Can anyone help me out on this issue?

12 years ago
Hi all,

I have an issue when run the java batch, it return maximum cursor exceeded error.

here is the flow of code,

1.Created static connection the query in main method with this connection
3.The query return more than 1000 rows, but cursor maximum size is 1000.(i do not want to increase the cursor size)
4. i close the connection after each row performed some task.
5. But its not take any affect since the connection variable is static.

Could anyone suggest to correct this issue



I tried the following way, it's not working

select * from table where job like ?;

PreparedStatement.setString(1, "%" + sJob + "%"),

PreparedStatement.setString(1, "'%" + sJob + "%'"),

could you help on this?


12 years ago