Wilfried LAURENT

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since Jul 13, 2001
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Recent posts by Wilfried LAURENT

Hello Wilfried,
I think I have found the answer.
This is a known bug numbered #4757263 in the bug parade. Lucky US users did not even noticed there was a problem. It seems that deploytool prevent you to create a JAR when the Locale is not set to US. Changing my locale to US solved this problem.

I have just been using deploytool 1.4 for the first time. I think I have followed step by step the instructions. But when I arrive on the last window named "Review Settings". And which states "The following deployment descriptor will be generated for your module.", the window is desperately blank.
What could be the cause of that? I could not find a FAQ on deploytool
There are other ways to cleanly stop a thread. Like changing your while (true) to a while(bool) and setting the variable bool to false whenever you have to stop the thread.
See also the forum
22 years ago
See the UML Forum. You will find some discussions on it.
22 years ago
What is the need for unit testing?
Identifying bugs early on in the development cycle. As you probably know, the later you find a bug, the more expensive it is.
It also provides a repartition of the test effort before integration effort. Unit testing lets you test a ... unit of program -that is a mostly a class- and verify if the results conforms to what was expected. This gives a binary answer: Success of failure.
Then later on, if you change something in the implementation of your class, just run the unit test. If it still succeeds, then you can confidently deliver your class.
There is an abondant litterature on unit testing on the Web, junit.org for example.
22 years ago
... a testing forum. The testing lobby has finally succeeded. How was possible for you, Paul, to undergo such pressures?

22 years ago
According to Peter Coad:
Choose Inheritance when it satisfy all of the following:
1. A subclass represents "Is a special kind of" and not "is a role of"
2. An object of one class never needs to transmute to another class
3. The derived class extends rather than overrides or nullyfies the responsabilities of its base class
4. A subclass does not extend a utility class
5. For a class in the actual Problem Domain, the subclass specializes a role, a transaction or device.
So make up your mind
Who is in charge of registering the name of the packages?
I mean if I decide to have packages starting with fr.toto, who can guarantee that no one will ever use it?
22 years ago
Yesterday someone told me seriously that there were 80 different kind of diagrams in UML.
Does anyone knows what he was refering to?
Daniel, it seems that you are not update.
GdPro is now known as
There is also
Softeam's Objecteering which I quite like. There is a free download for Personal Edition.
Even if you do not feel the need, it is a good habit to explicitely declare classes in named packages. It does not cost a lot and I have seen so many errors due to the use of the anonymous package.
22 years ago
In the init method, you have a line:
SimManager manager = new SimManager(buildingCanvas);
It means that the SimManager manager you are instantiating is local to the method init. You have not instantiated your class attribute wearing the same name 'manager'.
Drop 'SimManager' in the init method:
manager = new SimManager(buildingCanvas);
22 years ago
Could you please provide the whole exception stack trace?
22 years ago
You should see the
bunkhouse. And if you are looking for a book (and not web links), a good (but sometimes tedious) introduction is Kruechten's "The Rational Unified Process an Introduction: An Introduction" book