SaiRishi Anusuri

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since Mar 18, 2008
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Recent posts by SaiRishi Anusuri

i cleared scjp1.4 with 80%.
i want to write SCWCD . can anyone please tell
me which version i need to take (J2EE 1.4 )
or(J2EE1.5)? .
thank you to javaranch, those who helped me to pass the exam .
i want to write SCWCD exam ?which books i need to follow.
any suggestions ?
16 years ago
hi ,

your are defining own exceptions extending from Exception(Checked Exception)
we must declare where the exception will arise(the method which cause exception)
the method must declare exceptions in throws clause. i guess so
public void go() throws myException
throw myException();

}catch(myException e){}
there are eight objects are created.
s1 ,s2 are reference variables.
s1 - 1
s2 - 2 object
but s2 = s1+summer - 3
s1.concat("fall") - 4(generates spring fall but it lost did not assign to any variable-5)
s2.concat(s1) -6
the generated string for above method-7(will lost)
last one spring winter -8
total 8 objects are created.but 2 are lost

hope this help
sorry,not return type access modifier
the answer is correct .
here method1() is marked private.
to override the return type and arguments should be unchanged
here he return type differs.e object is subtype

Parent p =new child();
the reference type is superclass
and the object is subclasstype the superclass method will be invoked.
an object can be made eliglible for garbage colletion
by assign it null? i think it is true.
but the answer is false.
what are the last minute preparations?
iam very worried & got tensed .i go through K&B book.
Did some of the mock exams that are available in the net.
Do the program cetification exam that is available with k&B book(CD)
got 70% in that.

iam going to take java 1.4(310-035) exam.
can anybody tell me this exam is very hard to pass?
your suggestions will help me.
IS kandB book is enough to pass the exam?
i mean to say doing the mock exams that are freely available
and thorough with book and concepts with good percentage(80).

the ouput will be 012 for your program.
i in the for loop prints before it incremented.
both i++,++i are same in case of forloop.(prints i before it increments same output.
if you try this
for(int i=0;i<3
(prints 012)
for(int i=0;i<3
print(i++) you can see the difference.(prints 123)
but when we use
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)\

for(int i=0;i<3;++i)\
we get the same output :012

hope you will understand it
Iam prepaing for scjp(1.4).
can you please tell me more about the whizlabs?
Is it all about the mock exams ?.how to get registered with whizlabs?

thanks for your valuble replies
i failed in garbage collection and in collections.
that was very confusing to me. i try to remember.
but i can't . i got 70% in the mock exams.
As i said i prepared only Kathysierra book only .
Is that enough ?

hi friends ,

i wrote the exam 2 years back .i failed (49%).
i studied only kathy siera & bertbates book .did some mock exams for that exam(which i took before).
i fear to take exam again whether i will pass or not?
can you please suggest me which book is good for preparation,mock exams site
how much time did i need to spend to pass the exam?
