Ethan Zhang

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Recent posts by Ethan Zhang

The free offer was closed. See the 1st post.

Sharma Ashutosh wrote:

There is a [temporary] offer to request free voucher via online web form if you're cerified Oracle Master (should receive e-mail with offer and instruction)

What's the URL for this web form?

So which chapters should we "bitter"?

As a old book, I guess JSP and Servlet should be still worth reading. Anything else?

Thanks in advance & Happy Friday!


Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Not sure how other test takers, but I found most of the beta questions either ambigous or confusing.
Also, I noticed that there is fair amount of questions about antipatterns from Bruce Tate's Bitter Java book(?), which is more than 10 years old.

Have you already taken the exam?


Mikalai Zaikin wrote:

Ethan Zhang wrote:Thank you, Mikalai.

I did submit it by web request and sent a email to reply(at) yesterday with my service request number after this post. They sent me the free voucher this morning.

Happy Friday!


Great !

Have fun !

Thank you, Mikalai.

I did submit it by web request and sent a email to reply(at) yesterday with my service request number after this post. They sent me the free voucher this morning.

Happy Friday!


Mikalai Zaikin wrote:

Ethan Zhang wrote:Thanks Mikalai!

May I know which email address sent you this voucher? I will try to contact them.

Address: ocp-supportresponse_ww[at]

[but I requested voucher via web form, not via email]

Thanks Mikalai!

May I know which email address sent you this voucher? I will try to contact them.

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:

Ethan Zhang wrote:So when did you receive your voucher? I submitted my service request last Thursday and haven't received the voucher yet.


Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Ops, sorry guys. I am wrong.
Indeed, my voucher had:

Expiry Date : 13th April, 2013

Received on 03/07. Request sent on 03/06.

So when did you receive your voucher? I submitted my service request last Thursday and haven't received the voucher yet.


Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Ops, sorry guys. I am wrong.
Indeed, my voucher had:

Expiry Date : 13th April, 2013

Free Beta Exam For Java Enterprise Architect OCMs

Dear Oracle Certified Master,

You are invited to take the Java EE 6 Enterprise Architect Certified Master Beta Exam (1Z1-807) at no cost! This is a limited time offer available only to Java OCMs. The beta exam ends on April 13, 2013 and this offer will end on that date. Register for this beta exam today! If you pass the beta exam, your certification will be upgraded to the latest version of the Enterprise Architect Certification: Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 6 Enterprise Architect. You can find exam topics and recommended training on our website. Be among the first to obtain this elite new certification by taking this exam while it is in beta. At the same time, your participation will help us shape the production version of this exam.

This is an important upgrade for Enterprise Architects. There are numerous technical changes between the 5 and 6 versions of the Java Enterprise Edition that make development work much simpler. Several important programming interfaces (APIs) have been updated for Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 3.1) and the Java Persistence API (2.0). Upgrading your certification to the latest version shows your commitment to remaining current with technology releases. Not only does it demonstrate knowledge of EJB 3.1 and JPA 2.0, but it also shows that you have a familiarity with about a dozen other APIs. You can read this article for more information.

To take advantage of this valuable offer, request your voucher by logging a Service Request with Oracle Certification Support. On the support form, select 'Certification Voucher' for OCP Exam Issue Type and enter 'Request for Java OCM Beta Exam Voucher' in the Question / Problem Description text box. Please allow 7 days to receive your voucher via email. Visit Pearson VUE and register for exam 1Z1-807. You will enter the Voucher Number that you received via email into the Voucher Number field on the "Review Appointment Details" screen. Then click Apply Voucher and you will be taken to the payment screen where your balance will show as $0.

In addition, those OCMs who pass this beta exam will receive a free Oracle Certified Master denim shirt, with an embroidered OCM logo. There are a limited number of shirts in a limited number of sizes available. Register today to secure your shirt.


Beta exams may only be taken once.
Beta end dates are subject to change.
Beta exam scores are available approximately 11 weeks after the close of the beta exam.
Any attempt to fraudulently access the free beta exams by non-OCMs will be considered fraud and will be dealt with as such.
Review Exam Voucher Policy


Oracle Certification Program

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:

Ethan Zhang wrote:Just received email from Oracle Certification Program <[email protected]>

Java Beta Exam Voucher Offer Closed

This Beta offer is now closed. We received an overwhelming response to our email and are enthused by the interest in this new certification! Thank you for contacting us; we will certainly keep you apprised of any upcoming offers. We hope that you will go on to take the beta exam to upgrade your certification. The beta exam is an excellent cost savings at $50USD. You save $250 off the current list price of the exam. You can register for the exam, here.

I got really confused by Oracle Certification Team. Are they saying they are NOT going to send any free voucher even we have already submitted voucher requests?


As far as I know Beta has ended on 03/13 (one day ago)

Just received email from Oracle Certification Program <[email protected]>

Java Beta Exam Voucher Offer Closed

This Beta offer is now closed. We received an overwhelming response to our email and are enthused by the interest in this new certification! Thank you for contacting us; we will certainly keep you apprised of any upcoming offers. We hope that you will go on to take the beta exam to upgrade your certification. The beta exam is an excellent cost savings at $50USD. You save $250 off the current list price of the exam. You can register for the exam, here.

I got really confused by Oracle Certification Team. Are they saying they are NOT going to send any free voucher even we have already submitted voucher requests?


Great thanks & have a nice weekend!


Amritendu De wrote:You can see it here:

Hi Amritendu,

Which books do you recommend for "Web service patterns" ?



Amritendu De wrote:70% of OCMJEA 6 = OCMJEA 5
+ Adam bien patterns
+ Best practices JEE6
+ Web service patterns

I took part 3 this morning to catch up Aug 27 deadline.

2 important improvement have been noticed. Please forgive me if someone has already mentioned.

- Now they do support copy cut paste function between different questions. So if you want to repeat your answer, it's much easier.
- Someone said before, you will see scaring failed on your printing report when you finish testing. It has been modified.

Happy Friday & Good luck for all people are still trying to catch the last minute Aug 27 deadline!
Immediately? That will be cool!

Ranganathan Kaliyur Mannar wrote:Immediately. After uploading, you will be able to register immediately. However, the availability of the test center has to be checked out.

Good luck!

Jiafan Zhou wrote:Finally, today I completed the essay exam this morning. I wrote a lot today in the essay exam. Hopefully the issues encountered by others will also be solved soon.

I am little worry about whether it does hold enough detail.

For example, in Deployment diagram, because max 200 concurrent users at peak times, I only have 7 node with 2 hardware profiles as total. 1 web app ser and 1 standby, 1 db and 1 standby, 3 external system node...

Is it too "simple" to get enough pass point in Deployment diagram(Minimum Pass/ Points : 17/24) ?

Try to catch Aug 27 deadline in last minute, after uploading part 2 assignment, when can I book part 3 testing? It looks like we have to wait the system to update. Normally how long does it take? Thanks.

Or can I go to testing center directly to avoid validation part 2 booking process?