Nguyen Hoang

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since Mar 24, 2008
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Recent posts by Nguyen Hoang

I got the point!
null will be consider as "0" or "false".
I got a question:

Given Servlet code:

String num = "2";
request.setAttribute("num", num);
Interger i = new Interger(3);
request.setAttribute("integer", i);

What prints for this expression:
${requestScope[interger] ne 4 and 6 le num || false}

The answer is "false".

But I think that requestScope[integer] will return "null" because there is no request attribute "3" ("3" is the value of integer attribute). So, relational operator can work with null value?
I think that.
out.println() is method of JspWriter.
out.write() is method of

So, you can not use "write" method to write primary type (exp boolean) that "print" can do.

Where did you lose your last 6 point? Please share your experience on those questions.
16 years ago
Great score!

Congratulation ..........