Neha Sharma

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since Jul 13, 2001
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Recent posts by Neha Sharma

Basically my question is websphere 3.5 and 3.0 were not fully J2EE compliant, while 4.0 is what, is the difference ?
Basically my question is websphere 3.5 and 3.0 were not fully J2EE compliant, while 4.0 is what is the difference
23 years ago
They say WebSphere 4.0 is fully J2EE compliant. What does that mean ?
They say WebSphere 4.0 is fully J2EE compliant. What does that mean ?
23 years ago
Can somebody throw some light what would be the job of a wesphere administrator ?
23 years ago
My company have few positions in Java. Can guys with 2+ years experience post their resumes at [email protected]. The positions would be in Scranton, P.A. and Salary range may probably be 60K +
23 years ago
Hi Guys,
Though it is a HTML question, but I placed this one here as there was nothing indipendent for HTML.
How can I restrict number of Characters user can type in the text boxes. As when I use size= "25" though the box becomes 25 char long but you can write as many chacters in that.

<input type="text" size="25" name=<%=CORP_NAME%> value = "<%=getCmpnyName() %>" ></h6>
23 years ago
I don't know what's the reason if I don't pass any text then text 'Disabled' is printed, but if I pass the value in the text it works fine
23 years ago
Hi Guys,
When I use disabled = "true" the text 'disable' is shown on my text box if an empty string is passed for the value. I've pasted the code I'm writing. Suggest me how should I make uneditable text boxes.
<input type= "text" disabled = "true" size="9" name="newText" value = "" >
23 years ago
How do you guys debug your JSPs and Servlets in a websphere enviornment ? I use the logs file but that's not sufficient. Is their a way I can print something I want(eg. a variable) to watch, in my logs file. Like the way you do System.out.println for the console prompts.
23 years ago
Rupali you could have as well written anywhere in the U.S. why did you have to write all these cities, when looking at the cities anybody can understand that you don't have a locational constraint
23 years ago
just a distortion of 'What a Mistake'
23 years ago
Thanks Kareem
23 years ago