Deepa Pillai

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since Mar 27, 2008
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Recent posts by Deepa Pillai

I need curved images around the corner ,and am using below code ,

<div class="lfcorner">
<div class="rtcorner">
<div class="lttopcorner">
<div class="toprtcorner">
<div>AA </div>
<div>BB </div>

css for above code,

.btmlfcorner {background: url(lfcorner.gif) 0 100% no-repeat #FFFFFF; }
.btmlrtcorner {background: url(rtcorner.gif) 100% 100% no-repeat}
.lttopcorner {background: url(lttopcorner.gif) 0 0 no-repeat}
.toprtcorner {background: url(oprtcorner.gif) 100% 0 no-repeat; padding:10px}

I need text AA and BB to align in one line ,but BB is moving to next line.If i use the span and with position absolute it works , but i need to achieve this using div.

Please let me know where am going wrong in building images for corners or getting text aligned.

I need to pass values to javascripts scripts , am trying as below,

<logic:iterate name="testBean" property="cardList" id="d">
<bean:write name ="d" property="cardAccountNumber" />,
<%String str=//get the above value%>

Here my cardList is a list of card objects.But How to i get the values to variable string str.Please help.

I was able to achieve below code where list contains only string variable,

<logic:iterate name="testBean" property="listMyString" id="s" >

Please help on this ...
16 years ago
How can i pass the values from custom tags to jsp Page, My code looks something like this

public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException {
try {
} catch (Exception ioe) {
throw new JspTagException("" + ioe);
return (SKIP_BODY);

How can get this populated cardList in jsp..

I need to achieve this without using EL.

Please help... and thanks in advance

[ April 18, 2008: Message edited by: Deepa Pillai ]
[ April 18, 2008: Message edited by: Deepa Pillai ]
16 years ago
I need to pass a java Object to a taglib but it is passing as string ,
This is the code am using,Please let me know what can be done,

My jsp code <insert:cardType name="<%=cardObjs%>">//where cardObjs is the populated java object

My tld looks like this,

In my java class i have used

public void setName(Object cardobj) {
// cardobj.getClass() shows as string object
if (cardobj!=null && cardobj instanceof Card)
this.cardobj= (Card)cardobj;

Am using jsp1.2 with jdk 1.3.I cannot upgrade either jsp version or jdk.

Please suggest
16 years ago
I was asked a question in interview "What are the ways UserException class can be created?"
The answer is by extending "Exception" class

But ,It was told to be a partial answers as other way to create userexception class is through throwable class.

Is this a expected answers?
16 years ago