I cleared SCJA with 90% score. Before giving the test I thought I will score more than 90%. During exam all my expectation went down and at one point of time I thought I am just going to pass!!
Thanks a lot to Javaranch, Cameron and all my friends who helped me during my prep.
Here is break up-
Fundamental OO Concepts : 87
UML representation of OOC: 100
Java Implementation of OOC: 87
Algorithm Design and Imp: 83
Java Development Fundamentals : 100
Java Platforms and Integration Technologies: 60 (no idea what went wrong!!)
Client technologies: 100
Server Tech: 100
Here is my preparation and suggestions:
I started with Head first java. I would highly recommend this book for beginners as well as for mid-experience Java developer. After completing this book I took SCJA study guide by Cameron. I went through it almost twice. This book is pretty good in terms of OO concepts and UML. (other chapters are also good but I find these 2 are best
in context of SCJA ). Other than these two books I studied on net on various topics�went through J2ME pdf, J2EE tutorial (very few pages), hfoo-associateuml.pdf and most important � SCJA objective � read 1-2 times in a day!!!
I had tried reading few topics from SCJP book too to make my concepts clear. I have a feeling that SCJP prep would help in SCJA on common objectives.
After and during studies, I took various mock exams � free and paid one:-
I have posted them in few replies. I am again posting here:-
1)Both Cameron McKenzie's books and mock exams (
2)SCJA.de ebook and mock questions (
3)uCertify preparation kit and mock questions (
4)whizlabs and mock exams (
5)Enthuware's trial version and mock exams (
6) Sun ePractice 10 questions (
7) Sun proficiency Test (
8) eJavaguru (10 question)
http://www.ejavaguru.com/scjafreemockexam.php -I haven�t bought uCertify and Whizlabs but I think those are good one.
-I would highly recommend SUN ePractice exam (contain 3 tests of 51 questions each)
http://www.sun.com/training/catalog/courses/WGS-PREX-J019C.xml. If some of you have attempted SUN proficiency test and not able to find answers. You would get many of them in one of three test here. I cleared proficiency test with 70% and scored 75%, 90% and 82% in Sun ePractice exams.
-Tests from Cameron�s mock exams book and from scja.de were also good. I think these two should be must to start with mock exams
Now the important part about the actual exam � it is really good exam and requires in-depth knowledge of concepts. Some questions are very simple and basic but some of them gone over my head. When I was attempting those few questions I was thinking that I am not ready yet.
I felt like challenged. I should say that till you solve �most difficult question in a world� on a particular concept you should not feel that you know that concept fully. :roll:
And there is no shortcuts
�you have to study
�you have to study hard and
�you have to study all!!
All the best.!!!