manas ranjan mandal

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since Apr 02, 2008
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Recent posts by manas ranjan mandal

i want to know that what is dialect in database?

thanks in advance
16 years ago
As i know hibernate is a very big chapter no one can read complete details about hibernate i want to know what should i will read about hibernate so that i can do most of work using hibernate.kindly give your suggestion
thanks in avance
thanks for your help
16 years ago
Ok is there any resources where i can get complete thorough descriptions,examples for
every method of java class libraries?

thanks in advance
16 years ago
thanks for your reply.Do you have any other suggestion then feel free to share with me.
16 years ago
is there any updated version of this book available which gives details class libraries of java 1.4 or 1.5 or 1.6?if not is there any other book which i can follow?

16 years ago
Is this book available in india? I have tried to buy this book through amazon but there it shown an error that this book can't be shipped to india.. How can i get this book?

thanks in advance
16 years ago
I want to know that how to plugin iReport in myeclipse and how to use it? :roll:
Thanks in Advance
Depending upon requirement i want to create method which read each bit and convert 1 into 0 and print that 32 bit pattern with 1 converted into 0.
16 years ago
how to read each bit of a 32 bit integer ex 01111011001000 and convert 1 into 0?

thanks in advance
16 years ago
question is as follows
its asking about how many object is created

line 1. String s=new String("xyz");
line 2. y="abc";
line 3. x=x+y;
i think the answer is 3 but the correct answer is is it possible?

Sorry there should be x in place of s
ine 1. String x=new String("xyz");
line 2. y="abc";
line 3. x=x+y;
i want to know in which circumstances a request is transfer from web server to application server in real production environment how i can code this scenario?
thanks in advance
16 years ago
i want to know that how to integrate jasper report in struts so that i can generate report?
16 years ago
can any one tell me how to generate report in struts?

thanks in advance
16 years ago