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We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line!
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Rudolf Meerkotter

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since Apr 03, 2008
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Recent posts by Rudolf Meerkotter


I passed the SCBCD today with 70%.

Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, O'Reilly
SCBCD 5.0 Study Guide by Mikalai Zaikin
Followed Q&A on Javaranch EJB Certification forum

15 years ago
Hi Mamadou,

Next up for me is the SCBCD 5. I'm reading Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, 5th edition, right now, but I must admit the Head First approach has spoiled me

I'm not working full time as a programmer/developer at the moment, so after the SCBCD I hope to start knocking on some doors for an entry level position somewhere. I read a post by Marcus Green ( that the SCWCD (which obviously means one has the SCJP as well) is not enough to get a job. Not that I'm set on being a web component devloper, but I think for someone that is, it should be enough to at least get in somewhere. There's a lot of know-how behind the certification, and someone that passed it surely shows themselves capable of learning whatever job-specific requirements there are fairly quickly. Just had to say that

I forgot to mention SCWCD Examulator as a study source above. Good stuff.

Have a nice day, everyone.
15 years ago

I passed the SCWCD 5 today with 84%

My sources were Head First Servlets & JSP, Enthuware mock exams and to some extend Sun's J2EE tutorial. I also followed the SCWCD forum closely.
15 years ago

I'd like to save the content from my JEditorPane (in text/rtf format) as a file with formatting in tact, and open again and set the contents of the JEditorPane with what's retrieved from the file. E.g. if something was made bold, it should still be bold if the file is opened...

With text/plain format this is easy. Normal character IO combined with getText and setText. I've searched and found that JEditorPane has a write(Writer) method, but can't find any explanations for it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

15 years ago
Hi there,

I'm trying to populate a JTable with data from an online MySQL database. Here's what I've done so far:

1) Add the table to the form
2) Right click on table, select Table Contents, select bound, Import data to form (the connection works and the respective table can be viewed in the services window)
3) Right click on table again, select Bind, select Elements, shift Available to Selected

When I run the project, I get a load of errors with this being at the top:

SEVERE: Application class tabletesting.TableTestingApp failed to launch
Local Exception Stack:
Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b09d-fcs (12/06/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

The above procedure works fine on the sample databases (on localhost) that come with NetBeans.

Any ideas where the problem is with the remote connection?

Hi Anut,

The score for my first attempt was 53% and that was after studying the Sun tutorial, doing Marcus Green's exams which is probably the reason for not getting less, and whatever I could find online, e.g. the SCJP forum here, exercises, and various other mock exams, etc. The other book I had, SAM's teach yourself, is nice but not really geared for the exam.

The boost in % second time around came from Kathy and Bert's SCJP5 book, and more mock exams, but K&B especially, their exams and the downloadable LearnKey master exam.

16 years ago
I passed the SCJP 5 earlier today with 81%, being my second attempt at it. A lot of hard work went into this and I'm over the moon! Finally on to the next thing.

Thanks everyone,
16 years ago
Hi Santiago,

I think it's because the compiler replaces A.x with TestStatic.x, which is not read from the deserialized object, but associated with the class.

My contribution:

[ September 25, 2008: Message edited by: Rudolf Meerkotter ]
Hi there,

I came up with this bit of code below to practice wait() and notify(). Class Changeable has a boolean variable, notifies the Observer class from it's run method, which then stops waiting and prints Changeable's state. Observer checks for notifications from a while loop. All normal so far. When I run it, it seems that not all the notifications are received. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but never all.

Output varies, but looks like this:

Changeable running. State is: true 1
Changeable running. State is: true 2
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 1
Changeable running. State is: true 3
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 2
Changeable running. State is: true 4
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 3
Changeable running. State is: true 5
Changeable running. State is: true 6
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 4
Changeable running. State is: true 7
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 5
Changeable running. State is: true 8
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 6
Changeable running. State is: true 9
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 7
Changeable running. State is: true 10
Observer running. Changeable's state is true 8

Here's the code:
Hi there,

System.out.printlln(i); in the main method is referring to a non static variable. Compiler error.

I recently failed my first attempt, scoring 52%.

I've now ordered Preparing for SCJP 5 by Sierra and bates. I'm hoping that makes the difference for next time!
16 years ago