Reddy Kumar

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since Apr 09, 2008
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I haven't gone through EJB 3 in Action and have not purchased Enthuware exams but, here's my input.

I thoroughly went through the O'reilly book, MZ notes, and took the Sun's free sample exam before taking the actual exam. And guess what....I failed. Got 49%, where 59% was required to pass. The LEAST EXPECTED OPTION IS CORRECT ANSWER MOST TIMES.

I did not go through the specs assuming that what I read was enough, especially after considering the fact that the specs were close to 1000 pages.

I was a bit disappointed but, said to myself that I need more preparation.

My experience after the actual exam is, SPECS are a MUST. Both CORE and PERSISTENCE.

I'm not giving it up. I have my retake scheduled tomorrow. Will let you know after I take it.

All the best to all test takers.
You MUST have zero or one callback method defined for any lifecycle event but, the same method could serve more than one lifecycle event.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
I have the answers. How do I upload?