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Recent posts by dy191201

u need to use sun.jdbc.odbc.Drivers ..when u run EJB Server..Right click that server u will get properties....go to that and your drivers over there...u don't have to install any drivers for MS access...its only with Oracle u need client to install on your machine.....
Need any more help
let me know
Do you an Oracle Client on your machine....u need to create a datasource for VAj to connect to Oracle.
Need to anymore help let me know.
[email protected]
Hey Ramesh,
Did you have correct version of VAJ..bcoz sometimes in those trial versions you may not get that Webpshere Testing Environment.
I used to get those errors...then I checked in my repository....
so check your lib whether u have testing environment or not.
hey Ram,
Can i know more about these exams...I want to clear same exams...I am in US...so I need to know .....how did you prepare for those exams and where did get sample questions for this..
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
I want to know more about Websphere Certification and VisualAge for Java Certification....I think lot of people have done this..
Please provide me with necessary information.
23 years ago
I think u didn't understand my question clearly.....
Let me be more clear...
In WAS I created One instance of Application Server and that instance has one ServletEngine and one webapp ok
Now I created Container_1 and Container_2 on that ServletEngine.....Now the question is both the Containers are running fine and from a Servlet in one program I want to access Container_1 and in another program I want to access Container_2
so that how the servletEngine is going to access the Containers..
I know there is some EJBContext from where u can get Container Ref...but I am not able to figure out ....
Thanks for you help
23 years ago
if tis not DB problem then did you get any errors when u were deploying..the EJBs.....I am sure some where in EJB u are calling some query which is not porperly done.....
Check the userid and password by which EJB has to access the DB....U may not have privelges for that userid and password....if all these are ok then u need to debug ur EJBs..and let me know where it thorws Exception.....
There is something wrong in your EJB...
Can u debug your EJb's theu VAJ
23 years ago
Hi elizabath,
The error might be when u retrieve the rows from the table
I always get this type of error ...Whatever query u are running thru EJB try to run the query directly with DB ..if it works fine and then start debuggiing your EJBs..and see where this exception is thrown...But for sure this error is with respect to your DB..there is nothing wrong with your EJb.....if u are doing logging functnality...with DB ..see that all the fields are correctly populated....
still the problem is there and then let me know where this exception is thrown....If your are using VAJ..then try to debug with that...its really helpful with that
23 years ago
Hi Friends,
I am currently running WAS 3.5.3 and I have two EJB Containers which are running on one Webspehere Instance so the question is --
How can I access these two containers from this servletEngine
When both of the containers are running
I tried with EJBContext but nothing worked out.
Any help in this regard will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance
23 years ago