Anuj Prashar

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since Apr 15, 2008
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I want to know which format for video run on most devices in case of video streaming. Can we play play avi formatted videos by streaming on android devices without any problem? Can anyone with knowledge about this share his/her thoughts.

13 years ago
Hi all!

I have a listview with play button to play songs in each row. When i click on play button its background changes to pause button. What i want is when I click on play button in one row, the button that has background set to pause image on previous click should automatically change to play image and only the button which I has clicked should have pause background.
On click of button in a row of listview how to change other rows buttons background?

13 years ago
Hi Raghu,
I am not a HR manager, but I think in the case mentioned by you they are asking for proof not for confirming whether company is genuine but to make sure that if the person has really worked there or is showing fake experience.
13 years ago
Welcome Mario!
13 years ago
While developing game what is the best way to deal with graphics so that it looks good on all screen densities? Either we can use graphics for all three densities (hdpi,mdpi & ldpi), this can make build size very large if game rely heavily on graphics. Or we can use graphics specfic to one density, either hdpi or mdpi & resizing it when reqiured. Or we can develop different builds of same game according to screen density & size. What is the best way of dealing with graphics?

Thanks & Regards,
Anuj Prashar
13 years ago
There is no such method in java.lang.Runnable. In the code it is not calling run() method from java.lang.Runnable instead it is calling user created static method also named run.
13 years ago
Was there any error or exception?
Can you post code of Splash screen activity and manifest file?

13 years ago
Arralist internally uses array & when you run an "add" command a new Array of size more than old array will be created and in deletion that internal array will be modified. Whereas in linkedlist there are three parts. First part stores the pointer to previous element, second stores the data & third stores pointer to next element. So when insertion & deletion happens in linkedlist these pointers get updated. Thats why linkedlist is fast.

Check this
13 years ago
Have you tried running it?
13 years ago
Can you post code of your xml layout? It will be helpful to solve your problem.

13 years ago
You can make an activity showing your splash image for few seconds & after that it start another activity via intent. Below is an example -

Make SplashScreen activity your main activity in manifest so that it is showed first when app is launched.
13 years ago

I'm just wondering why it worked - I mean: the vertical orientation is the "default" - why did I have to declare it explicity to work?

Default orientation is horizontal.

Check this link
13 years ago
Just add this line in LinearLayout for orientation

After adding this line ListView will show along with TextView
13 years ago