Hema Bhandari

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since Jul 16, 2001
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We are configuring servlets with application created on Jrun
Following errors occured while performing update required for
configuring servlets
Cannot save local.properties in default/projectvortal:
Cannot write to directory null
where projectvortal is the new application created.
23 years ago
hi Manjunath,Kiran
thanx a lot
i've put the weblogic.jar file on the client classpath and it worked fine.
i hope that was the right way.
thanx again.
hi manjunath,
can u please elaborate more on classes.jar.that is what all files should be in it.
i've successfully deployed a stateless session bean simple eg.
my sample is working on the same machine as the server.but when i try to run it on a different machine it gives me the following error.
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: cannot instantiate class:weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory.
When i am trying to run my clien on some other PC, after i have deployed ,my .jar file on the server succefully, i am getting this exception -
"javax.naming.NamingException : Error accessing repository : cannot connect to ORB"
Please suggest me how to run a client remotely.