Steven Lawrence Hunter

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since Apr 17, 2008
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Ben Fisher wrote:To close the loop on this, I had to add the following property to hibernate.cfg.xml to get it to work for me:

<property name="hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults">false</property>

Thank you! I had the same problem, which the above resolved.
This is an old thread, but in case someone happens by here, like I did, researching the same problem, I thought I'd share.

The basic problem is that you get the response's output stream inside the try block, and then again in the catch block of the JRException. So if you raise a JRException while running a report, the attempt to log the problem will result in the illegal state exception you're seeing. Rewrite your code to scope your ServletOutputStream servletOutputStream variable outside the try so it will be available inside the catch.
14 years ago
I came across this thread when encountering a similar problem, and I thought I should share what I found out. If you screw up your c:forEach, and include a trailing space in the items attribute, each item will be turned into a string. For example:

<c:forEach items="${laborGtnList} " var="laborGtnItem" varStatus="count">

note the trailing space after ...List} ". Now when you reference an item from the list, like:

${ laborGtnItem.type }

you'll get the ELException: Unable to find a value for "type" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "."

15 years ago
Use org.hibernate.Query.setParameterList(), which can handle a Collection or an Object[].