Paul Roubekas

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since Jul 17, 2001
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Recent posts by Paul Roubekas

May I suggest someone correct the "Community and support" page on  That page tells a person to come here, to for support.

8 years ago
I see 7 different CCS.  How can I switch to a different CSS?

8 years ago
This happened more than once.  Each time I needed to try again I just started a new internet browser session and the problem seemed to go away.
8 years ago
One more detail I forgot to add.  The HTTP access log.

[28/Jul/2016:09:56:56 -0400] "POST /jforum/install/ HTTP/1.1" 200 5033  (now you see it)
[28/Jul/2016:09:56:58 -0400] "POST /jforum/install/ HTTP/1.1" 404 - (now you don't)

8 years ago
Fedora 23
TomEE 1.7.4 (tomcat 7.0.68)
JForums 2.4.1

The install returns a blank screen after the Verify Configuration page.  See attached screen capture.

8 years ago
The issue was with the DataSource name.  For TomEE I had to use "openejb:Resource/jdbc/usqueForumsDS".

Now the install just hangs.  I will open another thread since it is a new problem.
8 years ago
============= context.xml  ==================

============= tomee.xml  ==================
8 years ago
Fedora 23
JForums jforum-2.4.1.war
TomEE 1.7.4 (tomcat 7.0.68)
MariaDB 10.0.23-MariaDB MariaDB Server

TomEE startup log says...
Jul 27, 2016 7:54:23 PM org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler createRecipe
INFO: Creating Resource(id=usqueForumsDS)
With no errors.

JForums install says...
Name [usqueForumsDS] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [usqueForumsDS].

Where do I start to find the cause?
8 years ago
What was the goal of creating two sources for code (XML & Java)? Is one more suited for one platform type over another? (e.g. SmartPhones vs. Desktops) Are there any published rules of thumb about when to Java and when to use FXML?

9 years ago
How does one defend "Pragmatic Unit Testing" over "Through Unit Testing" To me it seems like the assumption that a developer can guess what needs to be tested puts a lot of faith on a human. If I, as a developer, was so good at writing code that I knew what needed testing, it implies why bother testing at all? I know, as a developer, where my errors will occur in the first place, just don't make the errors in the first place.
9 years ago
Is it possible to create an EJB that reads a resource reference for an environment variable on a periodic basis? I want to change environment variable at runtime and have the EJB pick up on the change without re-cycling the EJB. An article or code snippet would be great.

I have some code that uses sun.misc.BASE64Decoder. I need the jar. Where can I download it from? Sun developer and Google were no help.
17 years ago
With all due respect I disagree. When Java and J2EE�s biggest weak point is performance speed, one cannot afford to use workarounds that slow an application down further. I don�t have a study to site, but I think you would agree with me in saying that any SQL92 is faster at getting data then Session Bean methods sorting a Collection. There is no way marshalling data and un-marshalling all the field attributes of an object can be faster then a SQL SELECT looking at the values in one field for a Finder method to do a SQL Group By or SQL Order By. Until EJB-QL has 90%-95% of the functionality of SQL92 CMP J2EE will not live up to its potential. From what I am reading Group By and Having are not in the draft of EJB 2.1.
MacroMedia's JRun version 4.
In an effort to find a work around I tried
SUBSTRING(object.cmpFieldName, ?1, ?2) = ?3
and that is not supported by the spec. either!
SUBSTRING() does not take replacement tokens.