Sundeep Nanua

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since Apr 18, 2008
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Recent posts by Sundeep Nanua

Paul Anilprem wrote:Congratulations!
Was the exam very hard?

Not that hard - but you need to be careful which topics you cover and which ones are required for the exam. The training it more comprehensive, and you might tend to think of the exam as having more detailed questions - but it does not turn out to be that way.
11 years ago
I finally cleared the exam from Springsource. It had a lot of topics, but was a fun study- I received a training from my company before, but lost my material, and signed up for the exam way later (after 1 and a half years) - so ended up studying the spring reference pages for REST, Spring WS, Spring batch, etc. Also purchased a book for Spring Integration in Action - very useful and fun read.
11 years ago
Hey Chetan - thanks for sharing this link - it looks like a good certification exam for javascript and html5.

The books is not out there yet - usually (depending on the vendor) prometric or even pearson vue always gives an option to postpone an exam at no cost (should not fall within 24 hours before the exam). So you have that option in case you're not in a rush.
Does anyone know any good standard certifications for javascript, or developing applications with JS frameworks?

I am from a Java development background, and want to get my hands dirty with javascripting too - so thought the best way to learn is to start from ground by prepping up for a cert. JS in itself is becoming a lot popular due to the advent of mobile platforms and RIAs agnostic to any vendor specific technologies.
Usually, the topics covered with the 'suggested/recommended training' for a certification exam contains a more detailed topic, like in this case:

training page

Its a bit indirect, but you can get some relation to the topics given in the training and from what is mentioned in the actual exam. And since the recommended training material is also geared for the actual exam, i think its safe to assume that the topics mentioned in the link pretty much covers everything for the exam.
I tried viewing the file format in OpenOffice with a different encoding, and I see that if a field in the file doesnt occupy full length, the rest of the empty space has been filled with " "(space).

Now when I do an update or create in the file and use StringBuilder's replace() and then perform the file write operation, the unfilled bytes gets represented as '#'(hash) in the file instead of a space. Do I need to code in such a way so as to preserve the spaces in the file also?(like maybe concatenating unused field length with space). Does Sun view the file separately?
Hi all,

Got the URLyBird project. I have a question. Th instructions say something of this sort regarding the data file format(for every start of the data section of the file):

"2 byte flag. 00 implies valid record, 0x8000 implies deleted record"

I tried reading each record supplied by Sun and I get a double space character for this field for every record. Does this mean that the DB file given by Sun needs to be 'post-filled' with either '00' or '0x8000'?(If yes, then what about this statement in the assignment: 'Note that you must keep a copy of the original database file supplied to you, and this must be the file you submit'!!) Or am I missing something during the read part?

I read the file using a format like this:
String str = new String(input, offset, length, "ISO-8859-1");

Also tried UTF-8 and US-ASCII but no good, I get the same output.....a double box like character that is decoded as space.

Having tough times in the assignment, please help .
Thanks in advance.

Hi Joyce,

I am also in the same situation. I think its sufficient to follow any one book for this. Just make sure you dont lose touch of the 'must' requirements from the assignment and dont confuse the book's code with what we have been assigned to do. I am following the book and then after understanding how the pieces are joined for one package/section (like implementation for DBClient), I start coding for my own keeping in mind the approach taken.

Rest lets see what happens

Thanks Paul! I have started some studying and analysis from the book. Will also post threads in case I get any new idea on design.
Hey Guys,

Before arriving here, I never even knew that there was such a huge army of Java developers helping each other out. Thanks to Andrew's book I got the message from the bottle.

Guys, I just registered for SCJD and Im kinda freaked out. I thought it may be easy and smooth. Worst, I dont know anything about RMI / Sockets nor am I proficient in threads. Threads seem to be more specific here. I also dont have much programming experience in my career plus am doing SCJD part time because of the job.

All I have with me is Andrew Monkhouse's book and some basic java knowledge. Will it be helpful to follow Denny's DVD approach to my URLyBird(1.3.2)? How long does it usually take time for SCJD to complete when done in like only 10 hrs per week?(including the learning curve for RMI and stuff)...I know it seems a useless question, but pls help if you get the time.
