I created a stateless bean and used ejbc to make the jar file . Then opened this jar file in the weblogic 5.1 deployer . When I added this file in the container it gave me a error
Compiler failed executable.exec([Ljava.lang.String;[C:/weblogic/bin/ejbc.exe, -classpath, "C:\weblogic\myserver\serverclasses;C:\weblogic\jre1_2\lib\tools.jar;C:\weblogic\jre1_2\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\weblogic\jre1_2\jre\lib\i18n.jar;C:\weblogic\license;C:\weblogic\classes\b oot;C:\weblogic\classes;C:\weblogic\lib\weblogicaux.jar;C:\weblogic\eval\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar;C:\weblogic\license;C:\weblogic\classes;C:\weblogic\myserver\serverclasses;C: \weblogic\lib\weblogicaux.jar;C:\weblogic\myserver\j2efinal.jar;C:\
When I deployed it , it was successfully deployed and I was able to connect with the client
Why was it is giving the error when I added the jar file in the container???