Madhuri Sowmya

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since Apr 24, 2008
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Recent posts by Madhuri Sowmya

Hi ranchers,

I have taken SCJP 5 exam on Nov 17th 2007 and I have not yet received the certificate from Sun. I have registered in and I could see all my certification details there. I have mailed to the following email addresses many times.
1. Sun Certification Support <[email protected]>
2. [email protected]
3. [email protected]

I got reply from
Sun Certification Support<[email protected]> 2 times once in January and once again in March saying that it will be resent within 4 weeks. But I have not received it. My address details are also correct in certmanager web site. Can somebody please let me know what I should do to get my certificate. This looooong wait has been really frustrating me. Thanks for your kind help in advance.



Where can I get the HFSJ1.5 document?

Hi Smitha,
Do you mean HFSJ 1.5 book? I think its already available in the market.
16 years ago

Thanks for sharing your experience !!

SCJP 5(84%) | SCWCD 5 (95%)
16 years ago

I'll take the test in 10 days but I don't feel enough prepared. I get very different percentages depending on the mock I'm taking. Have you ever calculated your on HFSJ mock? If yes, could you please tell it?

I didn't take the mock exam in HFSJ seriously. I just took it at the last moment and got 75%. But I felt I could have done a lot better because most of the questions which I answered wrong are very very easy ones which I overlooked and could have corrected if I checked them once again. But the real exam was very tough compared to the mock exam in HFSJ 1.4 and also those on the net.
16 years ago

Is the book HFSJ 1.5 sufficient for the exam or not.

I have not looked at HFSJ 1.5 book. I read only HFSJ 1.4, and took some mock tests available on the net.
16 years ago

how did you get to SCWCD 1.5 topics once you had read book for 1.4 objectives??

The objectives for 1.4 and 1.5 are same. The main difference between 1.4 and 1.5 exams is, 1.5 exam is more performance based. The questions are not straight forward and you need to evaluate a complex scenario to answer some questions. So I read HFSJ 1.4 which I already had and gone through the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 spec for the things which are not covered in HFSJ 1.4. You should know all the Deployment Descriptor Elements, JSTL tags, directives, standard actions etc which are in the spec and not covered in HFSJ 1.4. The new second edition of HF might be covering these.
16 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I cleared SCWCD 5 with 95% yesterday...

I read HFSJ(1.4) book. I felt the exam was tough compared to the mock exams available in the HFSJ(1.4) book and also on the net. Most of the questions are lengthy and tricky. It is a must to go through the spec and the APIs thoroughly to answer some of the questions. HFSJ(1.4) does not cover all the JSTL core tags and Deployment Descriptor elements that will be seen in the exam. There were more questions on Web App Deployment.

Good Luck,

16 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I cleared SCWCD 5 with 95% yesterday...

I read HFSJ(1.4) book. I felt the exam was tough compared to the mock exams available in the HFSJ(1.4) book and also on the net. Most of the questions are lengthy and tricky. It is a must to go through the spec and the APIs thoroughly to answer some of the questions. HFSJ(1.4) does not cover all the JSTL core tags and Deployment Descriptor elements that will be seen in the exam. There were more questions on Web App Deployment.

Good Luck,
