Dan Lund

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since Jul 17, 2001
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Recent posts by Dan Lund

when will we get the e-mail?

sent an e-mail requesting their snail mail address

22 years ago
Beginning Java 2 by Ivor Horton maybe suits you http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1861005695/qid=1018030923/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_2/104-8942247-9170362
I had no programming experience, so it was a bit too difficult for me, had to get another book...
22 years ago
How many users are registered on this forum?
22 years ago
I use dos prompt and a text editor called textpad. Its very good. You can get it on www.textpad.com
22 years ago
ok, thanx
22 years ago
the first error I get is an error "unclosed string literal", in the middel of a sentence, "...put the fire ^ out....".
22 years ago
An object is like a recipe for a bread. A class is collection of objects, and methods that uses the objects.
22 years ago

Originally posted by kalpana rawat:
I badly need this book.
Wish me Good Luck

Me too
22 years ago
How much is it possible to store in a string object? I tried to store a not so large text in one string object and I got a lot of errors. Is it any other way that is better to store texts that are as big as book reviews for example?
22 years ago
How much does it cover the graphical/window application bit of java?
22 years ago
I wondered is this book going to be any easier than your 1.3 book? Cause I found your book very hard for beginners(in programming general). What will be different in this book than in the 1.3 book?
22 years ago
i use just for loop`s just sometimes while loop`s...........
23 years ago
an array is kind of a set of variables stored in another variable....
23 years ago