Ulf Dittmer wrote:That probably has nothing to do with JSP, and all with how those chart images are generated. Are you certain that those images are not generated eventually, and just take a long time to do so?
Ulf Dittmer wrote:None of this is relevant to the problem at hand. The important thing is whether the page that is returned to the client contains links to those images, whether those links are correct, and whether the images are being requested by the browser (which they should).
server.log is probably the wrong place to look; what you want to find whether the images are getting requested by the browser, and whether the request URLs are correct. Where that information is depends on the server you're using; for Tomcat it would be in the log/access.log file. You may have to enable the access log in the server.xml file.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:I'd say the first step is to find out whether the requests or the images are sent correctly by the browser, and received correctly by the server. The server log files should be helpful in figuring that out, as might a client-side proxy in case the server doesn't receive all the requests.
Bear Bibeault wrote:
abinash das wrote:I was thinking in terms of jsp buffer size to display the images.
The images are not part of the JSP, so the buffer size of the JSP is completely irrelevant.
So can you tell me why exactly i am facing such an issue and whats the solution for that ?
I cannot. You should start inspecting the requests that are begin generated to fetch the images from the browser to see if they hold a clue to what is going on. Perhaps HttpFox for Firefox would be able to help.
Bear Bibeault wrote:This will have nothing whatsoever to do with the buffer size of your JSP. The images aren't being served along with the JSP; they are each fetched using their own request when the HTML hits the browser.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:You can register the domain "commonToAll", and point its DNS entries to the public IP address of whichever server your application is running on.