Himai Minh wrote:The two reference books are a good start for those who are not familiar with web services.
I took an online 6 weeks web service course from the extension department of University of California, Irvine. It costs $650 US dollars. This online class gave me some basic hand-on experience about web services (SOAP and JAX-RS, SOA, use of SOAP UI). It may not be directly related to the exam. But I learned the basics about web services from this course.
You may want to download Ivan's version 5 of the 411 pages of exam study guide at http://www.ivankrizsan.se/my-books/. Pay close attention to chapter 8-12 of the notes. The information is helpful.
You also need to be aware that questions from version 5 may appear in this exam. For example, you may need to know web service cache (in Ivan's notes) for this exam.
You may also need to read J2EE 5 tutorial's JAXB. Even though webservices.xml (covered in Ivan's notes) are not on the exam objective, you may still need to know what it is and what it contains.
Try to Google search for the difference between StAX and SAX.
Last but not least, I highly recommended Ethuware ($30) and EPractice Labs ($40) mock exams. These are very helpful for you to pass the exam.
In the exam, you may see some questions that you are not quite sure. All you can do is to eliminate those options that you feel they don't make sense.
Good luck.
michael yue wrote:Hi,
Just a simple question. How do you define the lookup string below?
Is the default structure like YourSuperbEJB/remote ?
What if I have different application ear with similar ejb names?