Natt Gonzalez

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since Apr 28, 2008
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Recent posts by Natt Gonzalez

I have the solution. My problem was that I wasn't changing all the SQL querys with the result data, so add the new column to all the SQL querys and I could see my changes.
11 years ago
I don't understand anything

Mohan Ramu wrote:<mapping package=“x.x.x”/> not working fine in hibernate

I have many classes in my Hibernate annotation project,

i want to add all those classes in hibernate.cfg.xml.

if i add set of classes like below , it's working fine,

<mapping class=""/>
<mapping class=""/>
<mapping class=""/>
<mapping class=""/>
<mapping class=""/>
<mapping class=""/>

to reduce the code , i want to add only package name.

Thanks in advance

11 years ago
I'm new on Portlet Factory. I have to modify a EAR file that someone developped some years ago. I can't installed Portlet Factory by now, so I'm trying to modify files with an editor. I have to add a new column in the SQL and then I have to show it in the table.
I have modify my provider and the SQL query now is returning the new column. My problem is modifying the consumer, I have modified my consumer.model to add the new column but it doesn't appear when I execute the application.
What is the step that I'm missing?
I can see that the generate a jsp under genjsp directory but It doesn't have the new column.
In the .model file I have modified
<BuilderCall id="bc28"><BuilderDefID></BuilderDefID> to add the new column
and <BuilderCall id="bc18"><BuilderDefID></BuilderDefID> to add the description for the new column.
Thanks in advance.
11 years ago
I've solved my problem.
DocumentLibrary library = wcmWorkspace.getCurrentDocumentLibrary();
if (library == null) {
throw new LibraryNotFoundException(sRootLibPath);

QueryService queryService = wcmWorkspace.getQueryService();
Query folder= queryService.createQuery(Folder.class);
ResultIterator results = queryService.execute(folder);
while(results.hasNext()) {
Folder it = (Folder);
ResultIterator childern= it.getChildren();

The problem was that I have a father folder called Content, I didn't know that.
12 years ago
I'm trying to recover the site areas that are direct children of the Library.
I have tried this wcmWks.findByPath("/", Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL);
wcmWks.findByPath("/libraryName", Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL);
wcmWks.findByPath("/libraryName/", Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL);
But I don't have results.
I have also tried wcmWks.findByType(DocumentTypes.SiteArea,Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL);
And here I have all the library's siteAreas but I only want the direct children.
Thanks in adavance.
12 years ago
I have resolved it. The problem was I was using encodebegin of the button and It also renders the button because it was a children of the component. I have removed the encodebegin of the button, I have overriden
And I call the cLink.encodeall in the encodeBegin of my componet when I desire.
12 years ago
I have a problem. I'm trying to develope my custom jsf component, It has lot of fields, text,table,input text, and also a button. I have created its fields with html inside the encodeBegin method of my class that extends UIInput, using for example rwWriter.write(sbHeader.toString());
But I have tried to write my commandlink with a
If I use my button appears but when I press the button It doesn't go to the action method
If I use I have two buttons but when I press the button it goes to the action method
What is it wrong?
Thanks in advance,
12 years ago
Thanks for your help.
But I'm using the method getAllDifferences of DetailedDiff class. I think I have to modify my custom ElementQualifier. I have tried it, but It doesn't work for now.
I have different list in my xml and in some of them It's important the order and others isn't.

<c id="1"/>
<c id="2"/>

<e id="1"/>
<e id="2"/>

For example the order of C elements is important in the B element but the order of E elements is not important in D elements.
I'm reading more about XMLunit because I have to improve my ideas.
I'm new using xmlunit.
I have to compare two xml, everything is ok, but now, my client has told that order is important in some parts of the xml.
I have seen the compareNodeList method in the DifferenceEngine class, and they say te following

Compare the contents of two node list one by one, assuming that order
* of children is NOT important: matching begins at same position in test
* list as control list.

How can I change that for some of the list? I have tried to modify my elementQualifier, but it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance
My computer has 3GB of RAM memory. I have installed Websphere portal v6.0. I'm using RAD v7.0.0.8
I have memory problems and I don't know why.
When I start my server the java process is using near 550MB of memory, but when I deploy a portlet more than 3 times the java process increases till 1GB of memory, and the server don't answer and I have to restart it. This occurs nearly every day, and I loose lot of time. I'm developing JSF portlets in a Windows enviroment.
Could you possible help me to resolve my problems?
Thanks so much
13 years ago
It works if I remove xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PerfilXML.xsd"
This is the content of my xml. I have to investigate how can I put the Schema.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE Perfil [
<!ENTITY controles SYSTEM "Controls.xml">

<Perfil >

ok, so how can I divide my too long xml into other xml files and include all of them in one?I have no idea.I'm looking for it through internet.
Thank you so much
I have an xml that I unmurshall in my application in this way
susUnmarshaller = susFactory.createUnmarshaller();

I have a too long xml and it's very difficult to mantaint so I have decided to use external entities.
I have my xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE Perfil [
<!ENTITY controles SYSTEM "Controls.xml">

<Perfil xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PerfilXML.xsd">

And my Controls.xml file has xml elemets I have before in the main xml file.

When I try to unmarshal the new xml file I have errors.
DefaultValidationEventHandler: [FATAL_ERROR]: More pseudo attributes are expected.

I don't know where is the problem.
Any help would be apreciated.
Hi, thanks for your reply.You missed something because I didn't write my whole sql, sorry.

This is the query i would like to write in hibernate:

select count(*) from (select ID from myTable,secondTable where field2 = field1 and fieldId =196135 group by ID)

I want to count the number of ids returned by the subquery. MyTable and second table is a one to many relationship this is why I need the group by.

Thank you very much and sorry for my English!!

Hi! I'm new using Hibernate and I want to make this query in hibernate:

select count(*) from (select ID from myTable where fieldId =196135 group by ID)

I wrote this code

And the result is what I want but I think there could be another way to do this.
The sql query this generates is :

Help me please!
Thanks you very much