Panduranga H G

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since Apr 28, 2008
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Recent posts by Panduranga H G .. will surely help you in understanding Web Services basics quickely
15 years ago
I got little, If possible please clarify these...

1. Is web site can have web services in side it ex: Yahoo web site has search engine web service.

2. As we can see in google search engine, when we search some terms we get web sites. Is web sites are also registered in a UDDI registry.

3.Is is possible for public users to serch the web services

4.Please let me know how web services are accessed

It will be great help if you alswer these...

15 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I am finding difficulty in differenciating between Web Site & Web Services.

Please some one help me in uderstanding this in layman view and architect view.

Thanks in advance....

15 years ago
Hi Ranchers.

In the input jsp, I have code

<input type=" text" name= " authors" >
<input class= ' button' type='button' value='Add' onclick=" add();">

This entered values van be read in result.jsp like this

String [] authors= request.getParameterValues("authors");

But can some one help me , how to right a code to read the values like above for object's.
and how to read them in order to displu in result page

Thanks in advance...

16 years ago
HI Ranchers,

I did very well in scjp be studig K&B, Please help me in guding preparetion for scdjws such as versio, study guide, book to buy, important links. Mock exam links

16 years ago
Please help on this "IP Address not working, localhost okay"
16 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I ma working in windows, I am getting this error with tomcat can any one help me Please.

http://localhost:8080 not working but is working
16 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I completed scjp, i am thinking to go for scbcd.can anyone help me to bye good book on this.And also i wanted to know what is prerequisit tech to go for scjbd.
Hi friends,

i fineshed witk k&b and reviewed once and took some mock test's, i doing well but still lot of question are coming i am solving them, I would like to know still what has to be done to become more perfect.

I have exam on 9-7-2008 ( wednesday), Please help me.. and guide me...
Hi Ranchers,
I am preparing for the scjp 1.4 exam from one month, I finished K & B book, now i started review ( summary, two minute drill, chapter tests ), after this mock test and then exam.

Can you help me to get some link's for mock test.... Some guidelines from you...
Hi Ranchers,

i am searching for free study guide for scjp 1.5 preparation.
is this is available in sun web site also. if not send other sites...
Hi All Ranchers,

I planned to take scjp 1.5, can any one help me about topics to be covered...material to study....Thank U inadvance..