Max Tomlinson

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I've played this many times over the years but am now blocked.

I get 'Application Blocked. Click for Details.' But no real detail.

Happens on any browser, Windows 7, Kaspersky Internet Security.

Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.7.0_51-b13 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM

I suspect it's Kaspersky but don't know how to allow Javaranch to run the rules roundup applet.

Anyone have a clue?


11 years ago
Hi James and welcome
Having just finished an Android class, I am curious to know how html5 differs on that platform vs. the basic browser platforms—or are they essentially the same?
Thanks and good luck with your book
I meant to add that since your book doesn't mention WSO2 and that you haven't heard of them, it is helpful in giving me a view on where they might stand in the bigger scheme.
thanks again
13 years ago
Hi Mark-
Thanks for the reply. I really know little about WSO2 except that the company I work for asked me to look into it as part of an ESB solution.
To be honest, I am alwasy a little careful of vendor middleware layers and all that implies--seems we've been there before. I'm a big fan of KISS.
But I am scheduled for a seminar with them.
Good luck with the book
13 years ago
Welcome Mark -
Congratulations on your book.
Does it cover WSO2? How important do you think WSO2 is in REST API design?
many thanks
Max Tomlinson
13 years ago
Forget JAXB - way too complex and problematic to work with (anyone ever have fun with web services using JAXB?)
I really liked what xstream did - I just wanted it to do a bit more - handle a ns - oh well
So I've been looking at xstream and I am not sure it will do what I need:

I want to:
1) pass json as text from a client to an ejb and create a pojo - xstream can do this
2) generate xml from the pojo with xstream - xstream can do this too BUT - no namespace support - I need namespaces in my xml.

Anyone have any solutions for this (creating xml with namespaces?)

Hi Bear-
Thanks for the reply. We are supporting the usual suspects - IE 7+, FF.
I think I need to get up to speed on JSON. I was at a loss how to create the objects on the client side. I thought I had to physically code the syntax e.g. "[ :" etc.

But it seems I create the objects and use eval: e.g. this sample:

var arrayAsJSONText = '["Europe", "Asia", "Australia", "Antarctica",
"North America", "South America", "Africa"]';
var continents = eval( arrayAsJSONText );
alert(continents[0] + " is one of the " + continents.length + "

or as you suggest:

alert("The JSON representation of the continents array is: " +

But I need objects with member variables e.g. a column object (one of our application objects) which contain various fields: width, alignment, etc. I want it to map to a pojo so I can pass it to the server and convert it to a pojo.



Hi all-
In our app, we are using seam remoting to pass objects to an xhtml client from our ejbs. This works very well but the client to server interaction is much more restricted and we can't pass complex objects back via seam.
So I need to send a collection of objects back to my java server ejb, format them as an XML doc and save.

I'm thinking of building JSON objects, posting them as a string and having my server side code use xstream to format xml.
I think this provides a structured interface compared to writing my own solution (hashmaps, name-value pairs, what-have-you).

Is there client side code that will help me do this in javascript? (build JSON objects?)
Or should I simply format the array of objects by hand into JSON? This doesn't seem too tough actually but I wanted to leverage any solutions already out there.

thanks for the quick response, James - I'll give it a try
we've been using XMLbeans successfully in our project for quite some time and now have a need to convert java objects back into XML, reconstructing a new XML doc from the modified beans.
Can anyone suggest the best way of going about this?
Does anyone know whether I can use seam remoting to pass a pojo from a client to a session bean?
Our app successfully uses the approach of passing pojos from the server to the client. As long as the pojo is properly decorated with a name annotation. is serializable and there is a seam remoting definition on the page there’s no problem. We have been doing this for years.
But it appears that one can only pass certain object types back: Strings, Immutable values, Maps—nothing much more.
Has anyone had any success with this other approach?

What I’m trying to do:

My pojo defined in js (works fine for server to client—i.e. pojo returned on method calls to a session bean):

initialize : function() {
this.selectedEntry = new Seam.Remoting.createType("com.wwc.cps.pojo.ViewTemplateEntry");


Defined in my xhtml page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="seam/resource/remoting/interface.js?adminViewEditorAction&viewTemplateEntry"></script>

But when I try this in my session bean….

public void saveVTEntry (ViewTemplateEntry vtEntry) { //set as @webremote in interface"save to database - " + vtEntry);

and this in my client js:
action.saveVTEntry(this.selectedEntry, function() { //where action is an instance of the session bean
I get: ‘invalid type’ error – this is coming out the seam remoting code on the client

Hi All-

Our application uses xml documents that the users configure to build UI widget layouts, in the form of datagrids and rollbars.
Currently these are written by hand in a text editor. I want to provide a UI tool to let the user generate these in a more user friendly manner.
Are there any java libraries that might help me get a started?

13 years ago
Thank you for the answer, James-
After much trial and error, the only way I could get this to work was by deleting the child rows with a delete query on the child table only - not referencing the parent.
Then it worked.