Abdul Latif

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since Jul 18, 2001
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Recent posts by Abdul Latif

Hi Can someone suggest me good java editor, also, I have recently downloaded java on my windows 7, please help me how to connect my editor to java and start writing programs.
12 years ago
please give me a book name
20 years ago
I am new to JSP. can anyone suggest a good book and also a good online downloadable tutorilas and imp links for JSP
Please advise a good book for new learner
20 years ago
I am starting JSP ,can anyone tell me how to start. please tell me how exactly to download tomcat because i was confused on the apache websit looking for tomcat.can any one send me the link for tomcat download. also let me know the good books and tutorial downloads for jsp.
i really need to start it right now and need your help
Hi muzammmil
I want to join the club. I am a jcp and cuttently working on jsp and j2ee. working in the sense learning, so can i join u people .
20 years ago
i meant the templates that we have in C++ . do java have those templates
where can we get template help in java
guys i am planning for oracle 8i dba . but confused where to go for information about it.
can any one give me thier email. please tell me which books should i refer which links should i follow to get complete details.
anyone who know can help me please mail me at [email protected]
please do that guys
thanks in advance
21 years ago
i am not familiar with java graphics design, can anyone help me to design the code for the following programme.
Write an application:
1. Which has complete menu system i.e. menu bar and different menus like File, Edit etc.
2. Which can open a graphics file like bmp file, Jpeg file etc. using a file dialog box.
3. It should have options to edit the file and make modifications like graphics, editing and Application.
Different operations to be supported by the application are:
a. Increase and decrease in brightness.
b. Convert to gray scale.
c. Invert the colors.
d. Modify the contrast of the picture.
e. Emboss the picture.
You can use either awt or swing
thanks in advance
21 years ago
i am not familiar with java graphics design, can anyone help me to design the code for the following programme.
Write an application:
1. Which has complete menu system i.e. menu bar and different menus like File, Edit etc.
2. Which can open a graphics file like bmp file, Jpeg file etc. using a file dialog box.
3. It should have options to edit the file and make modifications like graphics, editing and Application.
Different operations to be supported by the application are:
a. Increase and decrease in brightness.
b. Convert to gray scale.
c. Invert the colors.
d. Modify the contrast of the picture.
e. Emboss the picture.
You can use either awt or swing
thanks in advance
21 years ago
i am not familiar with java graphics design, can anyone help me to design the code for the following programme.
Write an application:
1. Which has complete menu system i.e. menu bar and different menus like File, Edit etc.
2. Which can open a graphics file like bmp file, Jpeg file etc. using a file dialog box.
3. It should have options to edit the file and make modifications like graphics, editing and Application.
Different operations to be supported by the application are:
a. Increase and decrease in brightness.
b. Convert to gray scale.
c. Invert the colors.
d. Modify the contrast of the picture.
e. Emboss the picture.
You can use either awt or swing
thanks in advance
21 years ago
please tell me how to do oracle dba 9i and the links and books for that
21 years ago
hi guys i am scjp and pursuing for oracle DBA but do not know how to proceed with it. can any body help me how should i proceed with it , i mean give me the links that will help to find the resources for oracle. also please tell me which books should i refer for the exams .
please guys help me to start the prepation of oracle
21 years ago
can u tell some easy way to learn servelets .please tell me what is the diffrence between servelets and jsp r thy same or not please give me links to basic tutorils of servelets. i am strating from scratch i hope u understand me t
22 years ago
do we have to download any softwa to learn servelets like any web server lease sugges e equireetsr serveletslike editor forwriti the code and everthig thats required PLEASE GIVE ALL THE LINKS
22 years ago