I'm getting an erro when I execute the following Strored Procedure with the parameters mentioned below.I'm running this from a session bean on UDB7.2 database.The query is...
CallabelStatement cst = con.prepareCall("XXXXXXXXXXX");
cst.setInt("v_uid", Integer.parseInt(uid));
cst.setInt("v_cd", myType);
cst.setString("v_id", myId);
cst.setTimestamp("v_network_dt", myDate);
cst.setString("v_reason", myReason);
cst.setShort("v_no", (short) myNumber);
And the datatypes for the fields in the database are as below.
v_id VARCHAR(32),
v_cd INT,
v_uid INT,
v_reason VARCHAR(255),
v_network_dt TIMESTAMP
I'm passing v_cd = 1,v_no = 0 and v_uid = 207 other fields are also passed properly.
When I execute this I get error message like this.....
SQL Exception - ErrorCode: -99999 ErrorMessage: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0111E Numeric value out of range. SQLSTATE=22003
what could be the reason?I'm passing the INT and SHORT fields withing its safe range only.
Great thanks for all those who contribute in solving my problem.