Nick Potter

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since May 07, 2008
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I'm new to iOS development. I'd like to create an application containing a piano keyboard (very similar to the one from garageband) from scratch. I don't need it to have sounds, just for a key to be highlighted when pressed and de-highlighted (?) when it's pressed again. I'd appreciate it if someone could give me some links to some resources (books, tutorials) that could help me achieve this.

11 years ago
Is your servlet running in the same JVM as the EJB?
Put the rich:panel after the facet and enclose the it in a pabelgroup.

Nevermind that, i misread the post.

14 years ago
What are you trying to achieve? If you want a client running in tomcat to access an ejb running in jboss, you use jndi, no tomcat configuration is required. You need in your client's WEB-INF/lib folder the jboss client jars located in the jboss installation and pass to the InitialContext the jboss-specific jndi properties. Then use the context to lookup for the bean and invoke methods on it.
You must also deploy the client, or use JNDI to remotely invoke the bean.
Aha! ... good to know then.

14 years ago
For binding purposes and additional functionality, yes, but for simply displaying the results of a query, a list is enough.

This works and accomplishes its goal.
14 years ago
Hello, I'm curious, why does dataTable needs a DataModel? It works with Lists for example, so as long as you assign the entries to a list there shouldn't be any problem. Or am I misunderstanding the question?
14 years ago
You need the el-ri.jar you have only the contract in el-api, you also need the implementation.

Also, try to remove this:

14 years ago
You need el-ri.jar, and, if I remember correctly the mojarra jars too. Also jars for your view technology (jsp, facelets?);
14 years ago
Injection injection = (Injection) ctx.lookup("InjectionBean/remote");

If you don't define the mappedName of the ejb, jboss defaults the JNDIName to application/implementation bean name/type of ejb

meaning, if your app gets deployed as foshanshop, your ejb name is foshanshop/InjectionBean/remote

Does dependency injection work if the client is located on a different server than the ejb application?

Post your faces-confix.xml and web.xml
14 years ago
Maybe someone else knows about it, I don't sorry. Although I know seam support this without the need for a selectItems list.
14 years ago