Prashant Purkar

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since May 08, 2008
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Recent posts by Prashant Purkar

You have to make appropriate assumption about the given use cases and list them in Assumptions.

Work on other use cases is not expected.

The one problem with swing clients is to update them at various places over a period of time.

Good idea deepak.

I guess, for a limied number of internal users (as in my case) one can easily ask to accept the applet signature.
But the same thing may not be good for a commercial web site.

Thanks for twisting so many points.

Thank you all !!

Deepak, the client in question may have to talk to hardware and thats a imp point to bring it up.

For a web based client trying to access local files or opening sockets , i have seen an applet embedded in a jsp asking for user permissions and doing the work.

Is that a best of both clients?

Thanks again.

Hi ,

When choosing between thick client and Web based client, what are the limitation a web based client can have?

Presumably UI is not very complex for both clients.
With web based client one can not access local file system.

Are there any other limitation in the same line

Same here, In the list of assumptions i have mentioned user authentication is not part of SUD.

Both seems correct.

I have used @Entity as stereotype to show a JPA entity and use of annotation.

You can also think of going for component diagram first , where you get a overall idea of components needed.
then follows the sequence diagram between components and more detailed class diagrams later.

Assumptions and risk list can go side by side as and when there is something to add to them.

But whatever sequence you choose, iterate through all the diagrams multiple times, thats when you will notice more details to add to make diagrams complete.

Best Regards
That could explode the number of classes in the class diagram when assessor are only interested in how you are solving a particular problem.

It is also ok to list in the assumption that classes for user authentication, logging etc.. or anything that is not in the use case are not provided and or
already known to the system developers.

Hi ,

Your class diagram should describe all the patterns & classes with details such as association, multiplicity, other relations such as realization etc..
Also make sure all the method signatures are proper and complete.

Its a good idea to chcek if one can develop the application, looking at the class diagram.

Also there are some thread discussing mistakes in part II.

Congratulations William!!!

Yes , its no problem.
All you have to have is prometric or sun id when you purchase exams.
I wrote my Part III exam in diff country that the first two.


Thats the best part of the book, the concepts are not described not in terms of current technologies then.
Very useful book to read.

Thanks satheesh,

I mean detailed design here. Would you also require to give documentation for classes and the imp methods in terms of what they do.
In my current assigment class and sequence dia are nor enough to expalin the complex process, i guesss Activity diagram will help in there.
Also what is the role of an architect once he delivers the detailed design. Especially project is of short 2-3 months duration.
