Aarti Roshan

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since May 09, 2008
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Recent posts by Aarti Roshan

This is code am using james, its a standalone client am using to invoke a server for webservices, which expects some http headers of Cookie to be set.

String endpoint = "https://www.test.com/testServices/services/SocketBroker";
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new java.net.URL(endpoint) );
call.setOperationName(new QName("toString"));
ret = (String) call.invoke( new Object[] { } );
System.out.println("Sent 'Hello!', got '" + ret + "'");

I was unable to figure out where to set the code you gave?

I have to set the Cookie http header in soap webservice , as the server where these webservices are deployed at the customer end , has some authentication done everytime something is being accessed by outside world.

So if i have set these headers it would understand that webservice request is good to go and wont authenticate again. Else currently its sending back html login page as response instead of call to exposed method.
Hope am clear?
15 years ago
I want to add http header - Cookie when the soap request is fired? I tried using call.addHeader ,but this puts the header within the soap envelope and not like normal http header...
Any help on this would really be helpful.

15 years ago
I have a requirement where the username & password from webpage that contains the applet needs to be available in the applet also.

To illustratrate.
1. User logs in to site using form based authentication
2. Home page contains/embeds an applet where we need the already authenticated username & password to do some separate processing.

Can anyone please help me with this problem.


15 years ago
i want to dynamically show the login error msgs to the user after login, i want access to the httpservletrequest for the same. I have used form based authentication.

Is there anyway i can get handle to httpservletrequest object in my login module??
15 years ago
is there any way we can get access to the ServletRequest object in websphere?
15 years ago
i have a custom user registry class which is getting invoked when login is from admin console or from the application. I want to bypass some part of logic when the request is from admin console..

Is there anyway i can find out whether request is from admin console or my application??

15 years ago
just wanted to let know that i got it working the lookup was to be done like this

Object homeObject = initialContext.lookup("local:ejb/WeblogicLoginModuleService");
15 years ago
is there anyway i can debug this? i have tried all possible things i could with the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi..am using websphere 6.
15 years ago
i have tried that..but that also does not work..
15 years ago
To answer your questions
1) i have tried with both default initial context as well as below settings
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2809");
InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext(env);

2) am running single machine..ejb is deployed in ear within websphere and am trying to access ejb from custom user registry class

3) Do i need this jndi client jar library of Websphere ..Is this file present within websphere...I have not changed the classpath default settings? i am unaware of this jar.
15 years ago
Does anyone have any idea on this....my ejbs are deployed within ear on server1 and am trying to call the deployed ejb from Custom User registry class But get name not found exception
15 years ago
Hi am trying following in the code in java class .this is jar deployed in classes folder of C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\classes

String jndiName = "ejb/com/clearorbit/connect/service/WeblogicLoginModuleService";
InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
Context context = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env");
Object homeObject = context.lookup(jndiName);

But i get name not found exception at Object homeObject = context.lookup(jndiName);

I am calling a ejb deployed within my application ear.

<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_1233977974926">
<session id="Session_1233977973771">


<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1233977973771">


<ejbBindings xmi:id="EnterpriseBeanBinding_1233977973771" jndiName="ejb/WeblogicLoginModuleService">
<enterpriseBean xmi:type="com.ibm.etools.ejb:Session" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#Session_1233977973771"/>
<resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_1233977973772" jndiName="jdbc/clr">
<bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_1233977973771"/>
15 years ago
HI i have to migrate from Jboss to Websphere 6 where my custom login module needs to be called first after the form based authentication

1. Security is enabled
2. Swam authentionation
3. added custom login module with application logins in JAAS with Security .

I have tried a lot of configuration but when i login to my application directly the server filter is called and not my login module. Is there some configuration am missing???

Your help would really be appreciated.
15 years ago