csemanoj kumar

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since May 11, 2008
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I am using eclipse IDE for development. While debugging, I would want to save current state of variables in a flat file[or in xml/.xsl format] so that I can view the values offline.
Is there any way to do that?

Any help is highly appreciated...

Manoj Kumar
thank you. I got your point.
16 years ago
Is there something to do with the position of out.flush(); and out.close(); ??
I have to create a jsp page, which could have several links to resources which is not available under webapps directory.
For example,
I have created a web application named "MyApp" under webapps directoy. I am calling default jsp page for this application by using http://localhost:8080/MyApp URL. I have a directory named "GLOBALACCESS" in D: drive (windows xp). I want to show all files and folders present in this directory, in index.jsp page. How to do that ?
How to link to a resource which is located in defferent drive ?
16 years ago
Watch australian movies, news as much as you can...
16 years ago
After some research, I found I should go for SCWCD first...then some other certification... And SCWCD is looking interesting to me also... So, Guys, I am finally going for SCWCD. Let s see, how long it will take...
[ May 17, 2008: Message edited by: csemanoj kumar ]
16 years ago
Hey, instead of writing same exam again, better go for next level exam and do better...
16 years ago
Thanks to all of you guys. Now, I will go for next level exam with happy mood... ... Before throwing main problem of mine, I would like to give some background about me. I have been working for a small company for almost 2 yrs. The project on which I am working for a company, is not based on java technology... This project is basically full of testing and preparing documents. ....... I have interest in JAVA [and obviously earning good amount of money also] that s why I went for SCJP 1.5 . Now, I want to go for next level. Here I am confused... Next level has got 5 kinda exams.: SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCDJWS, SCMAD... SCMAD is not of my interest. 4 is left... What to do..? Since, I dont have work experience in any JAVA related technology, I do not know what to do next. Please guide me... Which certification has got more opportunity in finding a good job with better package.
16 years ago
Hi All,
I have passed my SCJP exam with 73%. I know this score is not good... What to do ? Do I need to write my SCJP exam once again to score better ? Please guide me...
16 years ago