Thomas Chang

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since May 13, 2008
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Recent posts by Thomas Chang

Karthik Shiraly wrote:

In the data science / statistics community, d3.js is popular for browser based charts and visualization.

The d3.js is realy nice!
9 years ago

Tim Moores wrote:Is this for a web app or a desktop app? JavaFX would imply the latter, whereas Javascript libraries would imply the former.

Thanks for the reply.

Indeed I need both.

But do you know, when for desktop, is the JavaFX the best and most popular one? And for web app the Chart JS? Or there is another better alternative?

9 years ago

I am going to programm for charting such as stock charts and statistic results. I've googled and find following tools:

Chart JS and Java FX.

Sincd I have little experience, so I am not sure which one is the better one. Or there is other better ones?


9 years ago

Here is my pom.xml:

and here the whole error message:

11 years ago

A stranger thing:

I can access the web-service via it's DNS, but failed by via it's IP.

I use the nslookup on IP and on its DNS both are equivalent.

What could be the problem?
11 years ago

I am not sure if I should post my question here.

Today I deinstalled the old java first and installed the latest online from Oracle site. After that I can't find the java icon in the control pannel.

How can I repaie it?

11 years ago
Just want to decode a java class.

13 years ago

I have a quite stanger problem.

I use JBoss 5.1.0. I deployed formerly sereral WARs on it and it runs well. The JBoss AS is instelled unter

and has the name 'myJboss1'. The user to use it is also called 'myJboss1'.

Now, according to customer requirment we have to change the Jboss AS and the user name both to myJboss2. So I simply copy the Jboss instance 'myJboss1' and pasted under the same dir as ober, i.e.:

I also create a new user 'myJboss2' and set the new Jboss AS 'myJboss2' to this user 'myJboss2'.

But as I start the 'myJboss2', I got ERROR and Exceptions as follow, though I've deleted the cache such as /data, /work/ and /tmp.

Besides, there are some other WARs deployed. If I move only the problem causing WAR - 'myApp.WAR'. Everything is OK.

Has someone idea?

13 years ago

Peter Johnson wrote:Double-check the JNDI tree to see how the bean was registered. This will help:


The JNDI is ok. It's the problem of firewall. The firewall blocks the communication between the two machines. It's solved now.
14 years ago

Peter Johnson wrote:What version of JBoss AS are you using? That tutorial is a really old one and things have changed greatly since 5.0.0.Beta2! Here is the latest tutorial:

Many thanks.

I solved the problem. It was the problem of firewall, i.e. the firewall block the communication between the two machines.

But I am still looking for example for testing the clustering of Web Application. The example in your book is about testing or playing clustering with EJB.
14 years ago
Hello Peter,

I think you should be one of the authors of the book "jboss in action"? I read the Chapter 12.2.2 "Creating a clustered EJB" and wrote the program. I can test the program locally, that means I start the JBoss locally on my PC and deploy the ejbonto this Jboss. But later as I deployed the ejb to a remote JBoss AS on the LINUX machine and try to run the Client against the remote ejb, I got following errors, though I've set the 'java.naming.provider.url' with the remote IP.

What could e the reason?

14 years ago
I create an ejb3 running on Jboss according to (

First I start the Jboss AS locally on my PC and I run the Client also successful.

Later I deployed the ejb-jar to a remote Jboss AS on a LINUX machine. And I can find the jndi in the JNDIView of jmx-console as follow.

This means the deployment is successful.

Though I've changed the IP in the, I got exception as I start the Client.

What could be the problem?

The looks as follow:
14 years ago
Formerly I did a lot of stand-alone client/GUI development with Java Swing. But in the last a few years I have been dealing with mainly with Web-Application especially Springframework. Now I will come back to write stanbd-alone java client/GUI. I wonder if there is any new development or technology by developing stand-alone client/GUI. I've heard there is newly the SWT. Any thing else?
14 years ago