Jonas X. Yuan

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Thanks a lot, Amro, you do have good idea for migration. :-)

Hi Ashok,

There is another tool you can leverage in the Liferay portal: database migration.

You can use this tool (just one click and a few inputs) to migrate data from current database into any other database like Oracle 10g/11g, DB2, MySQL. MS SQL, etc.

Hope that it helps,


Jonas Yuan
12 years ago
Hi Tibi,

Do you use LDAP server integration?

Yes, the custom fields (expando) could be used in the LDAP user info mapping.


Jonas Yuan
12 years ago
Hi Mark,

You would be able to almost 100% personalize / customize JSR 286 portlets by using Liferay Portal framework.

Btw, WSRP portlet are ready too.


Jonas Yuan
12 years ago
Hi Francis,

Hope that this chapter (Liferay Portal 6.1 Systems Development) could answer your questions.

Chapter 3, Generic MVC Portlets, first introduces how to develop a portlet project
with default templates. Then it addresses how to construct basic MVC portlets by
viewing the title and adding an action, and how to build advanced MVC portlets.
Finally, it discusses how to build and re-build services, how to bring portlets
into Control Panel, how to set security and permissions, dynamic query, and
custom SQL.


Jonas Yuan

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12 years ago
Hi ashok,

Would you be able to share more details?

Which version are you using? how to produce the same ?


Jonas Yuan

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12 years ago
Thanks Henry, Jeanne and Maneesh,

What this book covers? See following summary:

Chapter 1, Liferay Enterprise Portal, addresses what Liferay can offer your intranets
and Internets. Liferay delivers enterprise solutions for portals, publishing content,
social and collaboration. Dynamic, content-rich, and social systems will be built fast
and easily on top of Liferay portal.

Chapter 2, Service-Builder and Development Environment, discusses how to set up, build,
and deploy portal core and plugins in the Eclipse IDE. Then it discusses how to use
service builder to generate services and models, and how to add new features on
service builder. It also addresses how to populate default data, how to use default
project creation and templates, and how to set up fast development of plugins
with Tomcat.

Chapter 3, Generic MVC Portlets, first introduces how to develop a portlet project
with default templates. Then it addresses how to construct basic MVC portlets by
viewing the title and adding an action, and how to build advanced MVC portlets.
Finally, it discusses how to build and re-build services, how to bring portlets
into Control Panel, how to set security and permissions, dynamic query, and
custom SQL.

Chapter 4, Ext Plugin and Hooks, addresses Ext plugin and project default templates,
upgrading a legacy Ext environment, deploying processes and what it does,
class loader proxy and how it works, hooks and project default templates, portal
properties hooks, language properties hooks and multiple languages support,
custom JSP hooks, indexer post processors, service wrappers hooks, servlet filters
and servlet mappings hooks, and struts actions hooks.

Chapter 5, Enterprise Content Management, introduces video, audio, and image
management. It also discusses document and media library and document
management, WebDAV implementation, multiple repositories integration, CMIS
consumers and producers, web scanning, OCR and record management, content
relationship, content authoring, and content archiving.

Chapter 6, DDL and WCM, addresses how to customize web content models and
services, to build web content structure and template, to publish web content via
asset publisher, to integrate CKEditor and its plugins, to use Expando – custom
attributes, to leverage DDL (Dynamic Data Lists) and DDM (Dynamic Data
Mapping), to manage assets, asset links, tags and categories and to publish
assets with asset query.

Chapter 7, Collaborative and Social API, first introduces how to use collaborative
tools—wiki, blogs, calendar event, message boards, polls, bookmarks. Then it
addresses how to manage more collaborative assets—both core assets and custom
assets, and how to collaborate assets—both core assets and custom assets. Afterwards,
it introduces how to use social networking, social coding, and social office. Finally, it
addresses social activity, social equity capabilities, and OpenSocial API.

Chapter 8, Staging, Scheduling, Publishing, and Cache Clustering, introduces in depth:
the Portal-Group-Page-Content (PGPC) pattern, LAR exporting and importing, local
staging and publishing, remote staging and publishing, scheduling and messaging,
caching and clustering.

Chapter 9, Indexing, Search, and Workflow, addresses web plugins and WAI first. Then
it shows how to build web plugins using cas-web and solr-web plugins as examples,
how to index and search assets—both portal core assets and plugins custom assets,
how to set up solr-web plugin, and how to apply workflow on assets and employ
kaleo-web plugin.

Chapter 10, Mobile Devices and Portlet Bridges, introduces layout template plugins,
theme plugins, and WAP mobile themes first. The mobile devices detectors and
WURFL get addressed, too. Then it addresses the portlet bridges, Struts 2 portlets,
JSF 2 portlets, and Spring 3 MVC portlets.

Chapter 11, Common API, addresses user management, password policy,
authentication and authorization, LDAP and SSO, tracking and auditing, rules
engine and reporting engine, scripting engine, polling, web services, WSRP
producers and consumers, and OSGi framework.

Refer to:

Jonas Yuan

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12 years ago
Hi Srikanth,

There is a plugin called youtube-portlet, where you can bring any Youtube video into the portal.

Meanwhile you can leverage CKEditor 3.x to publish your web content by using wysisyg-portlet.

Of course, you can bring youtube video into FCKeditor - replacing the flash plugin with youtube plugin. That is, you need to build a plugin called youtube and to provide

1) service - search youtube video

2) html tags and scripts - bring youtube embedded scripts into FCKEditor (HTML tags).

3) replace the flash button with youtube embedded scripts

Hope that it helps,


Jonas Yuan

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12 years ago
Hi Kicha,

It is true that Auth 2.0 integration is almost ready. Just a few bugs are opening.

By the way, JIRA and SVN integration are available in the plugin: social-coding-portlet. You can use the same plugin for both EE and CE version.

The website eats its own dog's food - the same plugin is in use.


Jonas Yuan
12 years ago
Hi Srikanth,

CKEditor 3.x got seamless integrated in the Liferay portal, where inserting links, flash, images are working well.

You may try the same,


Jonas Yuan

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12 years ago
The Jasperreports engine 4.5 seamless integration in the Liferay portal would be good example.

Jonas Yuan
12 years ago
Hi Abiodun,

you may try to use

class HTTP Servlet Response

Hope that it helps,


Jonas Yuan

12 years ago
Hi Kicha,

This is well-known issue. See this ticket.


Jonas Yuan

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12 years ago
Hi Jari,

You may refer to the section "Performance Tuning" at the chapter 11 of the the book
Liferay Portal 6 Enterprise Intranets


Jonas Yuan

Performance tuning

As an infrastructure portal, the portal can support over 3300 concurrent users on a single server with mean login times under 0.5 a second and maximum throughput of 79+ logins per second. In collaboration and social networking scenarios, each physical server supports over 1300 concurrent users at an average transaction times of under 800 ms. Note that this benchmark was generated based on the application server: 2 x Intel Core 2 Quad E5430 2.66GHz CPU, 12MB L2 cache (8 cores total), 8GB memory, 2 x 146GB 10k RPM SCSI, CentOS 5.2 64-bit Linux.

The portal's CMS/WCM scales to beyond 150,000 concurrent users on a single Portal server with average transaction times under 50ms and 35% CPU utilization. Given sufficient database resources and efficient load balancing, the portal can scale linearly as one adds additional servers to a cluster. How do we achieve this? Here we list TEN golden rules:

• Adjust the server's thread pool and JDBC connection pool:. By default, the portal is configured for a maximum of 100 database connections. For Tomcat and JBoss, a good number is between 200 and 400 threads in the thread pool.

• Turn off unused servlet filters: Servlet filters dynamically intercept requests and transform them. The portal contains more than 20 servlet filters, so turn off the ones you aren't using.

14 years ago
In Liferay portal, you can integrate web analytics tools like "web trends" and "Google analytics" smoothly.
14 years ago