Ashwin Pai

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Recent posts by Ashwin Pai

William Taylor wrote:Hi there,

I am thinking the risks are concerns like "how to provide strong visual feedback", "how's the interface between stock management system and my system", etc.

What do you think?

My assignment specifically said "technical risks" which I would interpret as any technical issues like not meeting the NFR due to bad code etc!! Check out this link Click Here

1. In my opinion if its just iterating through the list and displaying, do not show it. Remember you are doing a highlevel approach and NOT coding.
2. Yes you could draw the external system as a component to improve clarity.
3. Try npt too make your sequence diagram too detailed (which is the reason for making it wide). But sometimes the system is complex, you cannot help the diagram from being wide. I had a diagram that was very wide. Just make sure you convey the right ideas.


Christian Suarez wrote:Hi

While i'm working on my classes diagrams I realized that I need to express for example a List of objects and an Enumeration for the status of the Request and the Bids, do you think guys that It's correct to put a List and an Enumeration data type on my design, this datatypes are Dependents of the platform but I think that those types could represent the list of objects and a set of specific types in more abstract way

Are you saying you would be showing a List class in your class diagram? I am not sure as to what you are trying to ask.
You could possibly add enumeration for Status but to me that is too detailed design. Again its not wrong to do that. Just that its not necessary to get too detailed.
I am not sure what you mean by

I need to express for example a List of objects


Also make sure you dont wait too long after which old scea version is discontinued.

Hi Ranchers,

Here is what I am trying to do...
Consider the following SQLWindows code

My requirement is, I need to extract the Function block if the function has a particular keyword. ie If I look for FALSE, I need my reg ex to match the function that has this key word. ie it would return

I need some directions as to how I could approach this.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I think I have passed SCEA5. The certification DB does not give me any score but has a status of 'P'.

Test: Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE 5, Part 3 (310-062)
Date Taken: 2009-02-19 12:13:20.167
Registration Number: r2bdtt547c
Site: ks10
Grade: P
Score: 0
Comment: n/a

I hope this does not change like somebody had reported that after a while the grade was changed to F.

15 years ago

Ionut Bucurescu wrote:Yes, you must retake part3 as well.

Does that mean you pay for both re-submit of assignment and retake of part 3 ?

UML Distilled is a very good starting point. Once you read it and decide to go deeper with UML, you could start getting more detailed books.
In my opinion from SCEA 5 Part I,II & III perspective UML Distilled should help you get the 90% of what is required for the exam.
They ask general questions yet targetted to your assignment like usage of design patterns, jee technology etc in the assignment. A person who has done the assignment on his own and has made consious decisions about the architecture and choice of technology should be finding this simple. It is just to verify that "you" have done the assigment and that the decisions you made are justifiable.

I passed too on the 1st attempt.

Hi All,

I am looking for a SCJP 5 or 6 voucher that can be used in USA at a discounted rate(if anyone is aware of offers). I am also willing to buy is from someone who is looking to sell it.

16 years ago
Congrats Carlos!


16 years ago
If your diagram gets too cluttered then its better not to show it.. If you mention you are using JPA i think its pretty clear how you would be performing DB operations.

How long did you have to wait ? I have been waiting from 20th Jan!! So I am starting to get impatient.

16 years ago