kiran kumar

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since May 24, 2008
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Recent posts by kiran kumar

class A{
static void methodA(){
System.out.println("in methodA");
public static void main(String ar[]){
A a1=new A();
a1.methodA(); //when we have to use this one
A.methodA(); //when we have to use this one

16 years ago
If I use select statement than what happens?
Hi venkat,
I know it .
16 years ago
I mean we can write servlet program by extending GenericServlet and HttpServlet ,is it possible by implementing Servlet ?
16 years ago
How can we remove number of keys(or all at once) means more than one attribute in session if I want to remove one attribure I will write as remove.attribure(s1) ; if I want to remove more than one how can we write.
can we write as remove.attribute(s1); remove.attribute(s2);
16 years ago
class A{
public void methodA(){}

class B extends A {
public void methodA(){}

class C extends B {
public void methodA(){}
public static void main(String args[]){

// How can we call methodA in class A without creating instances how can we call.


16 years ago
what happens when we executeQuery() if no data availabe in the tables?
when going to initialise the servlet I mean after deploying or after sending request ?
16 years ago
what is phantom and dirty read?
what happens when exception occurs at finally clause?
16 years ago
what is the default size of arraylist?
16 years ago
A final class can be overloaded? Is String and StringBuffer are final classes?
16 years ago
Can we make our own interface as tagged or marked interface and what is the use of marked interface?

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
I am rahul I completed my B.Tech(2005)I wasted one year for GRE and couldnot get it,than I learn Java/J2EE technologies in 8 months so I wasted 3 years now I have grip in core java,servlets,jsp,struts, and good knowledge in EJB.My problem is I couldnot go for fresher jobs so,I wanted to put 3 years fake experience I think is this no option for me, if I kept 3 years fake experience could I survive in Industry.
I am in dilemma If I kept 3 years fake experience is it possible to survive in industry .

please suggest me depending upon your suggestion my life is depended.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
I need scjp voucher I am staying in Hyderabad.please help me .
Thanks in advance.