Abi Ted

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since May 24, 2008
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Actually SCWCD has lower level of difficulty compared to SCJP.... that is, there is only theory to be remembered..... It isnt as tricky as SCJP... So be cool.... Attend it
I am currently studying college...

I used Head First Servlets and JSP to learn the concepts...

"Be the Container" has inspired and encouraged me to develop a program to simulate the Tomcat container... I am taking it as my college project.

I know it will be a whole huge software... but i have time, i will try to do whatever parts i can...

Any suggestions like where to start??...
16 years ago
Congrats Gayatri....
16 years ago
I scored 94% today....
I felt questions were damn simple... I finished the exam within half an hour...

I used HFSJ edition 2 and participated in several forums....
I did this full time for 3 weeks... I used one month semester holiday for doing this...
16 years ago
Thanks katoch.... I used HFSJ edition 2 and participated in several forums....
I did this full time for 3 weeks... I used my one month semester holiday for doing this...

Please suggest some ideas for my tomcat project...
[ May 26, 2008: Message edited by: Abinesh Td ]
i see a try{ in your program... what exception are you handling??

because some programmers handle it this way...
}catch(Exception e){}

This is wrong...
Please post the catch also...
the response buffer is just filled.... it is not committed....

or out.flush() not called yet...
Hurray!!! Cleared SCWCD with 94%..........

I am currently studying college... Tomorrow is my big day for SCWCD.... hope i will pass...

Anyway, I used HFSJ edition 2 for preparation.
"Be the Container" has inspired and encouraged me to develop a program to simulate the Tomcat container... I am taking it as my college project.

I know it will be a whole huge software... but i have time, i will do whatever parts i can...

Any suggestions like where to start??...
[ May 25, 2008: Message edited by: Abinesh Td ]
ah er hum....

isnt there something called container dependent?? :?
lines 2 and 3 access the attribute as defined by the string. The enclosing string is perfect attribute variable name.

Oh! i get it now. You read the attribute as scriplet!!! be very careful!!
Anytime while processing the request, if the filter grades that the request should be dropped, the filter will not call chain.doFilter(request,response).

Thus the request is said to be dropped. The doFilter method of Filter interface returns normally as if nothing happened.
I think you are wrong. PUT overwrites target url with the content you send.
The question clearly specifies that the servlet needs to process the content. So the content is POSTed.