Hi Ranchers,
I am experiencing frequent OutOfmemory issues in WebSphere Application Server, and I'm treying to tune the JVM Heap Size.
Given below a few lines from my native_stederr.log
<AF[9132]: Allocation Failure. need 391344 bytes, 7135 ms since last AF>
<AF[9132]: managing allocation failure, action=2 70525752/618068480)>
<GC(9132): GC cycle started Wed Jul 30 10:30:41 2008
<GC(9132): freed 374573296 bytes, 72% free (445099048/618068480), in 276 ms>
<GC(9132): mark: 244 ms, sweep: 32 ms, compact: 0 ms>
<GC(9132): refs: soft 0 (age >= 32), weak 3779, final 256, phantom 0>
<AF[9132]: completed in 288 ms>
My question is:
If 70525752/618068480 bytes is the free heap size at the time of GC, why does the JVM reports an allocation failure of 391344 bytes?
Jim Jacob