haripriya vedula

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since May 31, 2008
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Recent posts by haripriya vedula


I was unable to do a file upload using apache commons upload in uportal 2.5.3 bundeled with luminis 4.x.x.x .

Could any one help me in this regard...

Thanks in advance...

14 years ago

I am new to applets. I created a HelloWorldApplet by selecting a java project in eclipse and output(compiled classes are under prj/bin/ folder.

When i am calling applet class from html its unable to find the HelloWorldApplet .class file.

My code of snippet is as follows:

<APPLET CODE="HelloWorldApplet.class" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=50>

Can anyone help me where i am wrong.

14 years ago
Hi all,

I need to call a oracle form which inturn is calling a procedure in a package in oracle DB.

Is that possible? If yes can anyone help me.

Output is returned to form. So i have to take output from form and display to console.

Thanks in advance


14 years ago

Its a web application.

14 years ago
Hi all,

I need a sample code for downloading a file from client location(from another server).

while downloading it should prompt for location where to downlaod.

Any help is appreciable.

14 years ago

I have called a function from my java program which gets results and displays in jsp.

Records are displayed in descending order.
I need to display the records in ascending format . In DB I cannot edit and change the select .... orderby ...query, we dont have permissions to do that.

Any help is appreciable.

Thanks in advance


We need to access SQR report scripts through Java and display reports in web browser.

Are there any java IDE's , tools,frameworks for this.

Any help is appreciable.


I developed an application where in user can do three functioanlities.(Add/Edit/Delete a letter).

Please check the flow of channel below and the error we are receiving on a consistent basis.

1. We have a channel that provides user with 3 functionalities. Adding a new letter, Editing an existing letter, Deleting a letter.
2. When a user selects the option as Add a letter on the index page of the channel, they receive a page where in they can input the name of the letter and the letter body.
3. Then they click on Submit button. User will be redirected to a confirmation page with a success message that the letter was added successfully.
4. Then if the user choose to Edit a letter, they will be provided with an editable area, provided by an editor used in the portlet. User makes edits to the letter body and clicks on Submit button. The user receives a confirmation page with a message that the letter was edited successfully.
5. If the user choses to delete a letter that they added, they will be provided with the name of the letter and besides each of the letter names, a check box is made available allowing the user to select the letter that they want to delete. When the user selects a letter and clicks on delete button, they receive a confirmation page with a message that the letter was deleted successfully.
6. Each of the confirmation pages have an anchor link that takes the user to the index page of the channel where the user can select one of the options (Add/ Edit/ Delete a letter). Also, each of the functionalities (Add/Edit/Delete a letter) has the interaction with the database.
7. Thus far, we have completed 3 different transactions i.e Add, Edit and Delete a letter.
8. Now, when the user tries to do another transaction say adding another letter, they are logged off automatically without their intervention. We are not sure of the reason why this issue is caused.
9. The user is being logged off automaticcaly once for every 3 completed transactions.

Please let me know if you understood the functionality of the channel.
All of your help is appreciated.

We have Luminis version in use.

14 years ago
Hi ,

I am using uPortal and developed an application of admin where in

1)he can add a new letter which gets inserted into DB
2) he can edit letters and update content which gets updated into DB. Letters come from DB.
3) Delete letter which also updates DB.

The problem is when add is done continously for 4 times , 4th time portlet log out message is displaying.

same case with edit and delete, for 4th time it is getting log out.

Note: we are using tinyMce editor for adding a letter and editing a letter.

Can anyone help in this issue.

14 years ago
This got resolved.

I set JBOSS_HOME to ../../jboss-version/bin in environment variables which is wrong.

JBOSS_HOME = ../../../../jboss-version

14 years ago

Actually I am using Jboss 5.1.0.GA and i am unable to change port used by JBoss . In my system tomcat runs on 8080.

Could you please tell me which file as to be changed in jboss directory.

what i know was server.xml but i can see so many xml files.

One more help , I downloaded JBoss ,its showing as IP ..Do i need to change to local IP address. If yes, where?

Thanks in advance


I installed Jboss and when i tried to start server from command prompt i was getting "findstr was not recognised as intrenal and external command". But when i added path = %path%;c:\windows\system32

the errror was gone , but now i am getting a new error

"Could not locate "C:\Program Files\jboss-5.1.0.GA\bin\bin\run.jar".

can anyone help on this..

14 years ago
public class StaticDemo {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Output should be "Sun java programmer" without changing main method.

I know to use static block but if i use

System.out.println{"Sun java programmer"}

i am getting output as "sun java programmer" and "java".

thanks in advance
14 years ago
The main difference between a servlet and web services is, we will expose web services through the wsdl (web service description language) . so you can give wsdl to as many users of different platforms an languages.

Wsdl describes the service, what are the operations it does and where is it located. where as servlet cannot.

hope this is useful
14 years ago