I developed an application where in user can do three functioanlities.(Add/Edit/Delete a letter).
Please check the flow of channel below and the error we are receiving on a consistent basis.
1. We have a channel that provides user with 3 functionalities. Adding a new letter, Editing an existing letter, Deleting a letter.
2. When a user selects the option as Add a letter on the index page of the channel, they receive a page where in they can input the name of the letter and the letter body.
3. Then they click on Submit button. User will be redirected to a confirmation page with a success message that the letter was added successfully.
4. Then if the user choose to Edit a letter, they will be provided with an editable area, provided by an editor used in the portlet. User makes edits to the letter body and clicks on Submit button. The user receives a confirmation page with a message that the letter was edited successfully.
5. If the user choses to delete a letter that they added, they will be provided with the name of the letter and besides each of the letter names, a check box is made available allowing the user to select the letter that they want to delete. When the user selects a letter and clicks on delete button, they receive a confirmation page with a message that the letter was deleted successfully.
6. Each of the confirmation pages have an anchor link that takes the user to the index page of the channel where the user can select one of the options (Add/ Edit/ Delete a letter). Also, each of the functionalities (Add/Edit/Delete a letter) has the interaction with the database.
7. Thus far, we have completed 3 different transactions i.e Add, Edit and Delete a letter.
8. Now, when the user tries to do another transaction say adding another letter, they are logged off automatically without their intervention. We are not sure of the reason why this issue is caused.
9. The user is being logged off automaticcaly once for every 3 completed transactions.
Please let me know if you understood the functionality of the channel.
All of your help is appreciated.
We have Luminis version in use.