ralph soika

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since Jun 05, 2008
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Recent posts by ralph soika

Thanks a lot!
providing @Context HttpServletRequest
as a method param works perfect!

12 years ago

I need some help for a possible simple problem. I want to use JDK Logging in my Web Application (running on Glassfish) to log application specific messages into a separate log file. I can't figure out how to do this :-(
Has anybody done this and can give me a short example. Or did anybody have a useful link to a tutorial? I have not found any example for this problem.

13 years ago

I have started a new Eclipse Plugin project to support hot deployment and incremental deployment of Multi-Module Projects into app servers like Glassfish or Jboss. In most cases when the maven project contains more than one ejb or web modules the deployment from Eclipse WTP Plugin fails.
So try out the manik-hot-deploy plugin:


It can increase your development speed!
Your feedback is welcome.

14 years ago
I wrote a short tutorial about how to build and setup a BPM Solution based on the Imixs Workflow Project.
The tutorial shows how a maven archetype can be used to build a BPM web application on deploy it on a Glassfish server.
The BPM Engine is implemented in EJB 3.0 and can be used also in any other Java EE project.


Read more about the Imixs JEE components


14 years ago

I want to use this forum to introduce our Open Source Project Imixs Workflow:
The Imixs Workflow project provides a Business Process Management Solution based on Java.
The project focus on human based business process solutions also known as workflow Management Systems (WfMS).
The goal of this project is to offer an easy to use Java based technology for building user centric workflow solutions. This means that the Imixs Workflow is typical applied for Human-To-Human Workflow applications. But it can also be used for technical business process management solutions(BPM).

The latest version 2.1.0 of the Imixs Workflow and the Imixs Java EE Workflow components are including a bunch of updates and new features.
The latest release supports Java EE 6 and is runs with Glassfish V2.1 and Glassfish V3 Application Server!
It's easy to integrate the Imixs Worklfow Engine into any Java EE web project to build a scalable, transactional, robust and simple deployable Java EE Workflow System fast and easy.

All components of the Imixs Workflow Project are provided as Maven artifacts in the central maven repository. This makes it much more easy to use the components in projects.
The Project sources are hosted on dev.java.net where the Imixs Workflow project is one of the most active Open Source projects.

Every feedback is welcome and you can read more about the project on the Imixs Project site:


RichFaces did support such a extension for messages.

This seems to be a good solution.
15 years ago

thanks for the tip with the message infoStyle.
No bad idea :-)
I think I will try this solution.
But I wonder that there is no additional feature in JSF available to solve such a problem. As I understood it is also impossible to use path trough HTML for a message text :-(
15 years ago

did you find a solution for this problem?
15 years ago

I have exactly the same problem. I can not find out what the reason is.
It seems when I remove some elements the page works fine, but after I added some more elements I run again in the problem.
I updated all my JSF Libaries. Now I am using:

myfaces-api 1.2.3
myfaces-impl 1.2.3
tomahawk 1.1.6
jsf-facelets 1.1.14

16 years ago