roger schildmeijer

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since Jun 15, 2008
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Recent posts by roger schildmeijer

I find java.util.concurrent to very a pretty good tool when developing multi-threaded systems. What are your thoughts about j.u.c vs the C++0x solution?
13 years ago
I guess you will be using (atleast to some extent) HBase in some of the examples in the book. Im curios about if you mention some other data stores that support Hadoop, e.g. Apache Cassandra?
14 years ago
Is the book covering some third party GWT libraries like simple gwt or ext gwt (sencha)?
14 years ago
Yesterday I was on a "java one summary thing". One of the speakers said that his personal feeling was that javafx would replace javame in a not to far away future. What are your oppinons about this?
15 years ago
So, without being too rude; Whats the big argument to go and buy your book if I already have the famous Gang of Four pattern book?
Im not sure I understand what defines a "mashup pattern"?
Its always interesting with comparison (well, mostly). So I would like to know if you are comparing the Android mobile platform with pre existing mobile platforms (Symbian, EMP, etc.) ?
15 years ago
Does your book contain any mock exams? I believe this is important because I've found mock exams to be really important when preparing for java certs
Is the book including any introduction to Groovy or is only the Grails framework treated?
15 years ago
Is the book covering some osgi modularity when working with grails?
15 years ago
Im still waiting for the SCMAD book to be available on amazon or just anywhere outside of india. Any hints about this?
I just bought the book Hello Android (published by
What does your book cover that's missing in the book just mentioned.
15 years ago
Is the book concentrating on a particular agile development process, like scrum or xp?
or is it on another abstraction layer?
From the rules:
"Your post must be on topic for either the book or the forum to be eligible to win"
15 years ago
So my intuitive understanding about the competition, that only questions regarding the book are candidates for the competition, is wrong?
15 years ago